Chapter 55

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A soft, subtle sigh coming from my left made me spin my head around.
Luke was sitting there, staring at his phone that was showing his background.
He looked at me and smiled carefully, not sure what to do.
What he wanted to do was cuddle with me and drift off to sleep the way we had done on this road trip before Lilly was born.
The problem was that I didn't want to.
I had started to associate a lot of things with Lilly and cuddling with Luke was one of those things.
Everything we used to do when I was pregnant, everything that was cute and sweet back then, was a nightmare now.
It only reminded me of Lilly and how she was back in Perth while we kept making our way further and further away from her.
'You know what I'm wondering?' Michael asked from the driver's seat.
'What?' Luke asked, we had both been trying to act like everything was okay. For the guys and for this road trip. We didn't want to be the ones ruining it after we decided to continue.
'Do you think it would be possible to yawn in your sleep?'
Ashton grinned 'I don't know. They can do it in Disney movies so I'm guessing you can?'
'But usually in the movies, they yawn right before they wake up or right before they fall asleep. Not when they're in the middle of a nap' Michael argued.
'Right, but they would never film someone in the middle of a nap because there's no fun in that'
'Why not though, if Disney can make a fun movie about feelings having feelings, they should be able to make a good movie out of a human or an animal taking a nap'
'I don't think so, there's different kinds of feelings so there's different things to talk about and when you sleep you only just do one thing'
Calum joined in on the conversation.
'Lies,' Michael said, a smile clear on his face.
'When you sleep you can have a nice dream about singing potatoes and polar bears playing jenga, but you can also have nightmares about being run over by elephants or having your eyes picked out by a little old grandma who mistakes them for buttons'
Calum and Ashton gave Michael a weird look.
'How can you possibly mistake eyes for buttons?' Luke asked, making everyone switch their attention to him.
They were quiet for a while, as if they had forgotten he was there before Michael replied.
'Well, it's an old grandma, she's probably fully blind on one eye and 80% blind on the other so she won't be able to see where she sticks her needles in.'
'But why would she even want to remove the "button"?' Calum asked.
Michael grinned 'Well, that's common knowledge Calum. Buttons are supposed to be in a vertical line. Your eyes are horizontal. And besides that, you don't have an eye in the middle of your face so she'd have to remove them both'
The guys went quiet.
'Anyway, I don't think you can yawn while you're asleep' Calum said, taking a bag of chips from the plastic bag that was filled with food and ate something out of it before handing it to Ashton who was sitting right behind him.
I looked at Luke, only to find him already looking at me.
He smiled at me, it was a fake one but I didn't blame him. Neither of us could actually laugh or smile anymore.
'Can we talk when we arrive at the hotel?' He asked, looking at my hands before taking one in his.
I looked at it, allowing him to tangle his fingers with mine.
'About what?' I asked, looking up at his face.
Luke stared out the window in front of him 'I eh...I need to tell you something'
'Can't you tell me now?' I asked, confusion evident on my face.
Luke looked down at our hands and sighed again.
'I can, I'd just rather not and I don't think you want me to after I told you about it'
He looked at my face shortly, his eyes filled with regret and fear.
'Why not?'
'Because...,'Luke started 'They don't even know what I'm talking about because it's more important to us than it is to them.' He said, pointing at the guys.
'They don't know?'
Luke shook his head 'I'll tell them if you agree to it. If you want them to know. I just...the doctor told me not to tell you about this for a while but I can't hide it from you'
'The doctor?'
Luke looked at me, the fear and regret in his eyes now being mixed with panic.
He closed his eyes and bit his lip as he sighed.
'Never mind,' I said, deciding to get him out of the hole he was digging himself into.
'As long as you tell me later'
Luke nodded, before he softly pressed a kiss against my cheek.
It felt weird, as if it was a stranger doing it.
He was so careful and hesitant about it that it felt like he had never kissed my cheek before.
'I promise. I'll tell you everything but I'm pretty sure you don't actually want to know about it'
I know it's not actually Christmas yet but the next chapter will be up after Christmas so...Merry Christmas!! :)
I hope everyone will have a nice day! (or days if you live in Holland)

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