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Was Clarissa aware of that?

She must have been, right? —since the flash drive was with her. Why would she hide it if she didn't know how important it was?

Let's get back to more pressing matters. My grandfather was the French Mafia Leader. He and my mom was pretty close from what she used to tell us but however, they drifted apart when she married my dad for whatever reason. He probably didn't approve of their relationship.

Anyway, when my mom died, her funeral only included me, Clarissa and a few distant family members whose name I didn't even know but Joseph was not there. Her father didn't come to her funeral. Did he know that she's dead? Or did he just not care? Although I had a feeling that it was the latter.

My hand instinctively reached out beside me on the bed in attempt to grab my phone so I could inform Sean that I found the flash drive. However, my phone was not there. I quickly stood up, letting out a string of curses as I remembered placing it on Clarissa's bed while I was going through her things. How fucking stupid.

Quickly standing up, I left my room and headed back to Clarissa's and let out a sigh of relief when I spotted my darling phone resting on her bed. Walking over, I grabbed it and was about to turn to leave when something caught my attention.

It was a sort of box showing from under her bed. Furrowing my brows in curiosity, I bent down and took out the brown box filled with papers which turned were tainted and yellowish. A large amount of dust entered my nostrils upon pulling the box out from under the bed which made me cough, waving my hand around to clear the air around me.

The smell of old parchments hit me making me scrunch my nose in disgust. I took out the first paper I could and began reading it with narrowed eyes. It looked like some sort of unofficial letter.

It seemed like someone's reply: "Yes, I'm aware but I don't know how to do it. I tried to find out more about her but it seems impossible which is why I'm leaving this task for you because she trusts you. I want her. Do not disappoint me."

Who was this 'her'? Me?

I tried to grab another letter to read but however, before I could, my phone beeped with a message. It was from Sean—we exchanged numbers last night. 'She's on her way back. Did you find it?'

'Yes,' I quickly typed, pushing the box back under her bed then I rushed out of her room and went to my own.

I closed the door behind and removed the flash drive from my laptop before stuffing it in one of my jean's pocket. Grabbing my car keys which was placed on my bedside drawer, I walked out of my room, heading straight outside.

I went in the garage, slid into my car and drove to Sean's office. We needed to have a very serious talk.


The Blackwood Corporation was probably one of the highest and most luxurious building I've seen in my entire life. My eyes caught sight of several people standing outside with their heads raised as they stared at the building with awe, jealousy and admiration. There was a big 'BWC' written in glass on the building.

My heartbeat accelerated for I don't know what reason as I made my way inside the building.

I looked like a fool in my black jeans and matching top with my black combat boots in the middle of several men and women dressed professionally in dresses and suits. I took a step further inside but however, before I could a hand shot up in front of me, stopping me right in my tracks.

"Excuse me ma'am," the security guy spoke, voice monotone, "you can't just get inside like that."

"Why not?" I asked, raising my brows at the man who replied, "you don't work here. Unless you tell me why you're going to get inside, because..." He trailed off, his eyes scanning my body, "... well I'm sure you understand."

"No..." I glanced at his name tag, "Jeffrey, I don't understand shit. Why can't I get in? Everybody is. Look around." And it was true. The fucker didn't stop the others but me, he did. And I was sure that not all of the people entering worked there so why was he being such an ass?

"You don't look like you belong here." He blurted out, exhaling as he did so.

"Don't make me cause a scene, Jefferson." I mumbled, tilting my head to the side, "I'm best friends with Sean, you know?"

"I would've known." He said, huffing before crossing his arms, "now, either you tell me why you're here or you get out."

"I'm here for Sean," I rolled my eyes, "we need to talk."

"Yeah right," he scoffed, rolling his eyes, "I'm sorry but I can't let you in because you're not the first person who's said that and I let in which almost cost me my job. So, no. Kindly leave."

"You're being a dick right now."

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