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|Athena's POV|

When I woke up earlier, Sean was not beside me. He already left. Without saying anything.

Dick move.

So yeah of course I was pissed— really freaking pissed.

But all of that really went away just like that when I saw the message he sent a few hours earlier. «Good morning. Before you jump to any conclusions, I had to leave because something came up at the office. I'll come to see you later or you know, you could just come at the office— we could have a repeat of last night :)»

Then like every other normal person, I thought; office fuck? Sure, why not?

Last night was absolutely amazing. Sean was great. He was so fine in bed like— okay I'm gonna stop before it gets weird. But for real though, that man was a sex god. I haven't had sex ever since that incident and it did hurt a bit but that's alright. He was slow at first as if he was scared or something. He only began to go a little rough when I told him that he could.  It was kind of cute because damn, I've seen him kill people and last night he was scared because of some harmless little sex?

Anyway I was about to actually go to his office after I've had breakfast but someone decided to call and he wanted to meet right then. Fuck Alessio.

So that was how I found myself entering Alessio's house in a sour mood because yeah... who wouldn't be? I could be having some real office sex right now. But no. Alessio wanted to talk claiming it was important. What could possibly be more important than some hot—

Those thoughts were thrown away as soon as my eyes landed on Sean who was sitting on a couch in Alessio's living room, his head thrown back on the headrest, looking bored and annoyed while Alessio was standing and looking at me with a cheeky grin, "hey sis. Glad you finally decided to join us!'

Sean looked up upon hearing that, making eye contact with me as I shot him a questioning look.

"No, no," Alessio was quick to speak, clicking his tongue as he shook his head, "look at me."

"Why am I here?"

"I know about you two," he revealed making my brows shoot up. He what now?

"What are you talking about?" Sean was the one who asked, getting up from the couch as he made his way towards us.

Alessio rolled his eyes, crossing his arms behind his back as he put on a serious face, "you two fucked last night. I saw."

He saw?

How the fuck did he—

"—I mean—" his eyes widened as he caught on on what he said, "—not that I saw what happened. I didn't see the whole thing! I only saw you two on the bed together earlier today... sleeping."

"Just because you have a key doesn't mean you could just barge in anytime you want, creep."

"So what?" Sean asked, raising his brows at his best friend, "are you gonna give me the don't hurt my sister talk or something? Because I don't wanna hear it. You know what? Your voice... It's the last thing I wanted to hear to begin my—"

"—zip it." Alessio cut him off, rolling his eyes before looking at me, "so what... You two are a thing now? Or just fuck buddies?"

"Haven't branded it yet," Sean was the one who replied as he ran a hand through his hair, "you'll be the first to know when it happens."

"You seem so sure that it's gonna happen," I said, my voice laced with amusement. Sean shot me a smirk, "because it is."

"Why would I want to be with you?"

"I don't know," he shrugged with the look that told me he was going to say something embarrassing in his eyes, "maybe because you let me fuck you again and a—"

"All right, that's enough!" I cut him off, ignoring the heat that rushed to my cheeks. That was embarrassing.

My eyes flickered to Alessio who was staring at us, mouth agape, "just... How many rounds did—"

"—This is so inappropriate," I didn't let him finish his sentence, knowing full well that question, "can you both just shut the fuck—"

"—like six? Seven? I lost count." Sean interjected, answering Alessio's question, "we were at it all night long."

"I'm out of here."

"Oh come on now, dear sister—" Alessio clicked his tongue while I shot him a glare, "—no need to be shy. Now I have something to tell you."


"Maria and Ricardo are having this charity ball thing in a week and yeah, since I won't be going and since now Sean actually has someone to take with him, I was hoping you'd go."


"Excuse me?" Alessio arched his brows at Sean, "did you just say no to me?"

"I did, asshole." Sean rolled his eyes, "I'm not going to that ball thing. It's boring. All they do is wear fancy clothes, dance and talk. Like fuck am I gonna do there?"

"Have fun with Athena," he responded, "come on. It's gonna be fun. Maria told me to come but I won't so I'm sending you guys as my replacement so she won't annoy me anymore. And then there's my mom who's all come to the ball, you might meet a new girl. I don't want a new girl." He let out an irritated sigh, "why can't she get that?"

Sean and I exchanged a look.

Fucking Elizabeth.

We needed to deal with her soon. I knew Sean was waiting to avenge Thea for the part Elizabeth had to play in the whole thing. But how? How were we going to screw that woman over when possibly the whole family looked up to her?

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