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Sean's POV

I didn't know that for a woman to choose a god damn dress would be that fucking hard.

I've been sitting on Athena's bed for the past thirty minutes, watching her come and go wearing different dresses everytime. She was not liking them. According to her, they all sucked.

I glanced at the people I called who were all standing there, looking like they wanted to be anywhere but here.


"How about this one?" Athena asked, walking out of the bathroom for the twelfth time to show us the dress.

She had a red strapless gown on which revealed her bare back completely and was even showing a little bit of her cleavage. I shook my head at that, "no, not that one. Go change."

She furrowed her brows, "why don't you like this one? You haven't said anything for the previous ones."

"It's too..." I tilted my head to the side, eyes raking around her body, "... revealing. Change."

"I like it revealing." She shrugged, staring at herself in the mirror, "I mean, I've got a damn pretty body. Gotta show off."

"The whole point is not to draw attention," I said, not liking the idea of strangers staring at her like she was their fucking dinner. "So, no this isn't gonna work. Next."

"But—" I cut her off with a shake of my head and a stern voice, "next."

"Fuck you," she mumbled, walking back inside the bathroom before grabbing another gown from the rack. I heard a series of groans followed by the door which Athena slammed shut.

I turned to the others with my brows raised, "any problem?"

"Well yes!" the girl whose name I didn't know exclaimed, throwing her hands in the hair in exasperation, "she finally found one dress good enough and you had to tell her to change! It's been half an hour. We are humans too."

"You wanna get paid or not?" I asked, ignoring her stupid complaints. She nodded, standing straight as she clasped her hands behind her back, "of course."

"Good then shut the fuck up and do your job," I rolled my eyes, fixing them on the closed bathroom door, "or I'll have to call in your company and complain as well."

"Sorry, sir." The girl mumbled but I completely ignored her and waited for Athena to come out which she did after a few seconds.

"Nope," she shook her head, pointing to her upper body, "this is way too tight. I am suffocating." She walked over the racks and was about to grab another dress when I stopped her, standing up, "wait, wait. Let me choose one."

Nodding, she stepped aside while I approached the racks. My eyes travelled across the several gowns, my lips pulled up in distaste until I finally saw one. It was black, of course.

I reached out and grabbed it, handing it to Athena who held it in her hands and stared at it for a while before looking up at me, "this?"

"Yeah, this." I nodded, going back to sit on the bed, "now go wear this and come out to show me."

"Okay," she muttered, turning to go back to the bathroom. Once the door closed, I took out my phone and checked whether I had any unread texts from Carter. Apparently, I had one in which he informed me that he had already taken care of the security for tomorrow night.


He got rid of Joseph's men and replaced them with some of our own. I sent Carter to France one day ago, he infiltrated Joseph's mansion as one of his own and has been playing the snitch since then. That was how I knew of the ball and how we knew about the guests.

The door to the bathroom flew open and she walked out wearing the black gown I chose for her. My eyes almost widened at the sight and I had to refrain myself from standing up. Damn, did she look hot.

The black v–neck gown was absolutely gorgeous on her. It was long and had a split in the legs. There was some sort of silver glittery belt on her waist and small bits of glitters splattered everywhere.

"She's gorgeous." The girl muttered under her breath, even let out a small gasp as she stared at Athena with awe and envy present in her stare.

Athena flashed me a smile, raising her brows at the same time, "well? How do I look?"

"You look," I paused, perfect, "—good, I guess."

She rolled her eyes, her smile still on her face, "I'm gonna take that as 'you look absolutely stunning', thank you."

"Would you..." One of the man there cleared his throat making us look at him, "would you like some matching jewelleries to go with the dress?"

That's when I saw it.

And apparently Athena did too as she leaned in and whispered, "did you see what I saw?"

"I wish I didn't." I muttered, refraining myself from gagging as I stared at the man who recently spoke.

"Dude, you're turned on and it's showing." I shot him a disgusted look while his face turned red in embarrassment.

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