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"Come again?" Enzo spoke at the same time as I did, "why am I not surprised?" I gave Alessio a fake curious look, "oh maybe because you guys fuck like, I don't know, everyday?"

"Wait, wait," Enzo intervened, "Thea is pregnant?"

Alessio nodded, scratching the back of his neck, "there's a high possibility, yes. I mean it's been like a week since she's been puking her guts out almost every time and she's been getting this weird craving for chocolate and she wants to have sex like all the time. I mean, these are clear signs of pregnancy, right?"

"Yeah," Enzo nodded, "it is."

"Dude, you're gonna become a daddy!"

Alessio groaned at my words and the clear excitement in my voice. "I'm... I don't know how to feel about this. I mean, I'm happy, really. I want a family with her but don't you guys think we're too... I don't know, young? And we have so many things going on—"

"— I'm gonna have to stop you right there," I cut him off, getting up from my seat. "You impregnated my sister, okay? It's too late to think about anything else. You're gonna man up and take your responsibility or I swear to fuck, best friend or not, I will kill you."

"What he said," Enzo nodded in agreement.

"I was just saying," Alessio huffed, "I'm not sure I'm ready to be a dad."

"You sure as hell better be," I retorted, "take lessons from Enzo."

"Sure," Alessio chuckled, amusement in his tone, "he'll teach me 'how to get your child get kicked out of kindergarten 101,' if anything."

"He hasn't been kicked out," Enzo defended to which I added, "yet."

He groaned, "truth be told, I'm kinda worried. If Kindergarten is being such a huge problem, how the fuck is he going to make it through the rest?"

"I have no idea," Alessio laughed, "but you gotta admit, it's kind of funny. But like maybe homeschool him? Or build a whole school or something. He won't get kicked out then."

Enzo only hummed in response, his brows furrowing as if he was actually considering the suggestions given by Alessio. And then there was complete silence between us.

Enzo was probably thinking about Nick while Alessio about his possible future child. I took a large gulp of my drink, my mind instantly going to Athena. As if on cue, my phone beeped with a message.

On seeing her name appear on my screen, a smile automatically made it's way onto my face.

A : Heyyy I got news! Guess what?

Me : what?

A : I love how you reply to me within seconds. THEA IS PREGNANT!

I already knew that but okay. She was clearly excited so I decided to play along.



Me : I need a moment to take that in.

I couldn't help but chuckle at my message. Damn, I was so good at this.

A : so she's planning on surprising Alessio. Now that I think of it, maybe telling you was a bad idea. Can you stfu about it?

Me : you know me, sweetheart. My lips are sealed

A : I'm being serious. Tell him and no sex for a whole month.

Me : okay, okay. I won't say anything.

Maybe playing along was a bad idea, after all.

A : Good. Okay, bye. I'll see you at home <3333

"All right, guys, we have a problem." I said, putting my phone back in my pocket. Alessio and Enzo raised their brows as Enzo said, "I don't think you being in love with Athena is a problem."

"What? No, I'm not in love with—" I cut myself off, my brows furrowing at them. "Is it that obvious?"

"Yeah," Alessio replied at the same time as Enzo did, "yes."

"Anyway, that's not the— a problem," I cleared my throat, looking directly at Alessio, "Thea wants to surprise you with her pregnancy because she thinks that you don't know so you better act shocked and shit— maybe even add a little tears for the show, okay?"

"All right but what if I don't?" He questioned to which I replied with, "I'll die due to sex deprivation."

"What?" Enzo let out a breathless chuckle, "what did Athena say to you?"

"How do you know she said something?"

"You were smiling like a crazy dude while texting a few minutes ago," Alessio pointed out blankly, "it's not really that hard to figure out who it was. So shoot."

"No sex for a month," I mumbled earning loud laughs from the two. "Exactly so don't forget to act all : 'oh my god I'm gonna be a dad? Holy shit thank you so much for this amazing gift of—" I paused, digging my head for the right word, "fatherhood,' okay?"

"Yeah— no," he stood up as we all did, grabbing our jackets from the back of the couches we were sitting on, "I'm not saying that. I'll figure something more me out on our way back. Now, let's get going, lovers."

"Lovers?" I scoffed at the name while we walked out of the VIP lounge.

"Yeah and you guys are totally becoming the godfathers to my child," Alessio added as we walk past the crowd of people before finally reaching the exit.

"Of course," Enzo said as I threw my arms around them and we began walking to our cars. "Oh and Sean, you better confess your undying love for my sister."

I didn't say anything to that, unsure of what respond to give him. Sure, I was in love with Athena. I've been for a while now. But I wasn't sure whether she felt the same so I couldn't bring myself to tell her about it. What if she didn't reciprocate my feeling? What if she thinks we're moving too fast?

"Trust me," Alessio spoke up upon noticing my silence as we were now standing in front of the car we all took to come to the club, "she feels the same."

"How do you know that?"

"Everyone knows it but you," Enzo rolled his eyes, opening the door to the backseat before pushing Alessio inside then closed it. He knocked on the window, "wait, why do I get the backseat?"

"Because yeah," was all what Enzo said before I got into the driver's seat while he slid onto the seat beside me.

"And why does he get to drive?" Alessio asked again, huffing when neither of us replied, "whatever, I don't care. I get it, the favouritism hurts by the way."

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