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"Wait, I just realised something." A light smirk tugged at his lips making me narrow my eyes. "And what might that be?"

"You could kill me," he stated, eyes holding the slightest amount of fear but his smirk remained, "but that would be completely stupid of you, wouldn't it? I mean," he allowed his eyes to rake around the place suggestively, "it would be highly suspiciously that I died just here, with you and me being your rival isn't exactly going to be in your favour."

"Aren't you just the slowest piece of shit ever?" I shot him a completely fake awed look, "I thought you already figured that out."

He pursed his lips, blinking in confusion, "did you?" Fucker looked so stupid. Help. How did he become a CEO again? No way he went that high alone. I don't care. I refuse to believe it.

I sighed, raising my brows at him, "would the fact that I have your wife at gunpoint as we're speaking motivate you a little?"

"Y–Yade?" The name of his wife left his mouth, his face filled with fear at that. "Y–You have her?"

"You think I'm lying?"

He shot me a nod at that. I clicked my tongue, flashing him a amused look, "you have no idea what you landed yourself into, do you?"


"This is the mafia," I stated nonchalantly, "do you even know what that means?"

"I do."

"Do you though?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at the man. He tried to hold his stare back at me but he was failing miserably. I almost chuckled at that. He had absolutely no idea what he had gotten himself into. It was almost funny.

Tilting my head to the side, I spoke up, "you seriously think it's okay to just decide to kill some mafia leader? I mean, you practically signed your death contract by agreeing to Joseph's little shit. You're lucky I'm the one who found out about this. Trust me."

"How the hell am I lucky?" He arched his brows, "you literally have my wife at gunpoint! And let's not forget that you threatened to fucking kill me!"

"The Russian mafia leader would torture the living crap out of you," I said calmly, "the Italian Mafia leader would let his wife have her fun with you— the bad kinda fun. I'd thank me right now if I were you."

"Yeah?" He let out a light scoff, "what about the girl you've been whoring around with?" Giving me a smirk, he added, "that's right. I've been keeping tabs on you, Sean."

"You wish for her to deal with you instead?"

"Do something to my wife and the other CEOs will come straight for her," he threatened, his dull brown eyes holding a challenge. "Your defenceless little princess will be dead in a matter of seconds."

I found myself letting a humourless laugh at that, "defenceless?" I repeated, "trust me, she is anything but defenceless. I'd worry about the other CEOs instead." Before he could say something, I beat him to it, "now enough chit-chatting. Give me the names or one simple little call and your wife's dead."

"Fine," he grunted, "I'll give you your names but you have to promise to leave my wife alone."


He shot me a look of uncertainty. "If anything happens—"

"—you won't be able to do anything anyway." I cut him off with a bored look, "give me the names and let's get this over with."

"There's Emilio Lopez," he began, "Liam Watson, Jesse Carson, Eric Greystone, Amelia Ruskin, Ethan Scott and—" he frowned, thinking of the last name before he said, "Wade Hamilton. That's it! I swear."

"And they've all been given guns by Joseph?"

He nodded at my question making me purse my lips in a thin line. The good news was; all of them were undoubtedly going to attend Enzo's parents' charity gala. The bad news? Well, I really didn't wanna go.

Fuck life.

"Before I let you go, I need to tell you that if you're thinking of playing smart and telling someone about this little situation of ours? Don't." I warned, "because I can kill your entire family anytime let alone your wife."

He gulped, bringing his hand up as he wiped the sweat that formed. "Y—Yes,. G—Goodbye." he stuttered out, standing up almost instantly before walking out of the door. I lightly smirked at his reaction before walking back to my own office, finding Athena still asleep.

However, as I approached her, I could hear incoherent mumblings leaving her mouth. I wasn't sure of what she was saying but I could've sworn, she was begging someone to... stop?

Frowning slightly, I neared the couch and stared at her face. Her brows were furrowed, her lips moving, whimpers escaping her every now and then. "Please, stop." She whispered, letting out a small cry.

What the hell?

"Don't do this—" not knowing what else to do, I cut her off by placing a hand on her shoulder, shaking her slightly in an attempt to wake her up. But she wasn't. Just then, her hand reached out to me as she tried to push me away, "go away—"

God, no.

I knew this too well.

I've dealt with Thea too many times to not recognise this. My heart clenched at that. Fuck. Please, no.

"Hey," I held her hands in mine before kneeling down beside her.  She started breathing heavily, tears leaving her eyes although they were still closed. "Athena," I whispered, "it's me—" she continued trashing for a while before she finally stopped, her breathing uneven. "Wake up for me, darling. It's just a bad dream."

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