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|Athena's POV|

Clarissa's room was a mess.

She had several dresses lying on her bed, on the ground, on the back of her chair and she had boxes of shoes all around the room.

Damn, she sure was excited for her date with that Asshat Blackwood.

For the past fifteen minutes, I have been going through her things, looking for that god forsaken flash drive but in vain. It was harder that I initially thought. Clarissa was actually good at hiding stuffs, who would've thought?

Shutting the door to her wardrobe with a loud 'bang', I frustratedly ran a hand through my black hair, gripping it tightly before letting go, a sigh escaping my lips as I did so.

"Where the fuck are you?" I mumbled under my breath, eyes traveling around the room. I have searched in the drawers, under the bed, in her wardrobe, in her bathroom—but found nothing. I was failing miserably and I hated it.

I stared at the last drawer that I had yet to look through. I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth in disgust as I reluctantly made my way towards it. While I was almost certain that it wouldn't be there out of all places, I had to make sure. Clarissa was not exactly the—well let's say—most normal woman out there.

Letting out a soft groan, I pulled the drawer open, revealing several pairs of underwear, matching sets and stuffs. Closing my eyes, I shoved my hand inside her collection and began searching for it.

Seconds later, I felt something that felt like a box under my palm and grabbed it before pulling it out, almost excited, thinking that I had found what I was looking for. However, my eyes widened when I saw what I was holding.

A freaking box of condoms. "What in the world" I cut myself off, shoving the box back where I found it. It was then that I felt another thing, something quite hard— Hard, you say?

"Concentrate, Athena." I rolled my eyes at myself, grabbing the small thing and taking it out. It was a freaking flash drive. I squealed in excitement, grinning brightly as I stared at the white flash drive in between my fingers.

Slamming her underwear drawer shut, I exited her room and went to my own after making sure that I left no traces of me ever being there in her absence. Once I was in my room, I closed the door, grabbed my laptop and settled down on my bed before inserting the drive inside the laptop.

Sean was right. It was coded but that wasn't really a problem. What kind of Romano would I be if I didn't know hacking? Alessio made sure to teach me and I was really good at it and that was something I was proud of. I spent twenty minutes decoding it which was impressive because it was a really hard thing to do.

I wondered what Sean and Clarissa were doing. Were they fucking?

My eyes widened at my thoughts as I shook my head, muttering to myself, "chill— what's it to you, Athena? They're grown ass matured adult who can do whatever they want."

My laptop beeped making me look at the screen to find 'complete' written there. A smirk made it's way onto my face as I began to look what was inside the flash drive I spent half an hour looking for.

My brows furrowed when I saw a folder named ‘J053PH–AMBR053’

"Joseph Ambrose," I read, narrowing my eyes at the familiar first name. Sean mentioned that when he kidnapped me by mistake. Who the heck was this Joseph dude?

Clicking on the name, my eyes widened at the information before my sight. Joseph Ambrose, apparently, was the current leader of the French mafia. There was literally every single information about the guy in front of me. His age, his date of birth, his birthplace, his family, his address, his phone number, email— everything.

Why would Sean want that? And how the hell did Gerard acquire such a thing? Was he involved with the Mafia? Did he work for Joseph?

My mind drifted back to my stepdad, Gerard and I pursed my lips in a thin line as I began to think if he had ever mentioned a 'Joseph.'

And why did the name 'Ambrose' sound so familiar?

That's when it clicked.

"Joseph Ambrose." I repeated, the name leaving my mouth involuntarily.

My mom's maiden's name was also Ambrose— Eleanor Ambrose.

Joseph Ambrose was my fuckin' grandfather.

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