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Athena's POV

"Come on, the buildings are clear." Sean said and grabbed my wrist before dragging me with him as we walked our way through the crowd.

"Did your men find them?" I questioned as we walked. He shook his head in response, his grip tightening on my wrist while leading me to where he parked his car. "No, they're still looking—" he cut himself off and turned around to look at me.

"What's wrong?"

"They're by the car." He informed and began to walk in the other direction, dragging me along.

"What do you mean, ‘they're by the car’?" I questioned earning a loud sigh from him in response, "they're waiting for us near the car. They knew we would be going there. Who the fuck are those people?"

What if they were Matteo's men?

"I think they're from the spanish mafia," I voiced out my thoughts resulting in Sean's steps halting for a few seconds before he picked up his pace, dragging me away and further from them.

"Of course," he muttered under his breath, "what do they want with you, anyway, hmm? Joseph was the one who wanted you and he's dead. So, what the hell does Matteo wants with you?"

"well..." I trailed off, turning to glance at the men, "let's just say that they think I did something."

"And did you do that thing?"


"Fucking splendid." He drawled out sarcastically making my brows shoot up, "you broke the da—"

"—This is not the time." He cut me off as we reached at the back of the amusement park which was deserted and all quiet. "Why are we here? They're going to come here and kill us because we are outnumbered and this place is deserted so they will attack."

"We are not outnumbered, chill out." He took out his phone and began typing on the screen, "I've got men everywhere."

"Really?" I looked around, trying to spot one of his men, "because I don't see anyone here."

"You'll see." He replied, "I just needed to lead the ones spying on you here so that we will be able to kill them as we couldn't do it in public, you know?" 

I nodded, "of course. How do you know that they're going to come here? What if they don't?"

"They're already here." He nodded in the direction of the entrance we walked through a few seconds ago which made me look there and to his words, the men that were keeping an eye on us were indeed walking through.

There were about ten of them. They were all wearing black suits, the form of their guns clearly visible through their clothes.

"To what do I owe the displeasure?" Sean asked them, stuffing his hands in his pockets as they stopped right in front of us.

"We want the girl." One of them responded, taking a step forward bravely but quickly took another one back when Sean shot him a glare, clenching his jaw as he spoke, "do you now?"

"Look, we don't want to harm you," another one started speaking, "just give us the girl and we'll be on our way. Nobody has to die."

"Yeah, of course." Sean scoffed, "you're saying that now and then the second I hand over the girl, I receive a bullet right in the head, right? I'm not stupid, dude. I know how this works."

"Then you know that we have received the orders to return with the girl." The same guy from earlier said, "so hand her over right now before things get bloody."

"Well..." Sean began, throwing a hand across my shoulders, pulling me close, "Tell me why you want her first."

"She's killed boss's daughter." The man said with a loud sigh, "boss wants revenge. He wants her to pay at his hands."

I rolled my eyes at his words, "you people don't have proof that it was me, dick."

"Yes, actually we do." Another one replied, "you literally sent him a picture of her heart beside her face, you psycho!"

"Why are you getting so riled up?" I arched my brows, a smirk finding its way across my face, "wait, let me guess. You must be the fiancé she told me about... Brent, was it?"

"Bitch!" Brent hissed, clenching his jaw as his hand reached out to his gun before he was stopped by his fellow friend, "no, don't! Boss wants her alive."

"Can you stop trying to get yourself killed?" Sean whispered, shooting me a glare. "I can try," I whispered back with a nod resulting in him sighing.

"You have two minutes to give her to us." Brian or something like that spoke up, "let's be real here. You're two against ten. If you're smart, you'll just hand over the girl and we'll see if we want to let you live or not."

"She's right here," Sean dropped his arm from my shoulders to his sides and stepped aside, "come on, take her."

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