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|Sean's POV|

Five minutes.

It's been five minutes since I've been sitting on the couch in that damn plane, facing Athena and waiting for her to speak.

But guess what?

She hasn't.

My patience was wearing thin and I had a feeling that she knew it which was why she was looking so nervous, fidgeting with her fingers and biting her lower lip— the latter being an action that was turning me on. She didn't have to know that.

But seriously though what the fuck is wrong with me?

"Athena." I broke the silence that settled between us. Her eyes snapped up to mine, holding a questioning look. "Are you gonna say something?"

"Give me a minute. I need to..." She trailed off, "figure out how to tell this to you without you freaking out or breaking down or get pissed off or take out your gun and shoot me out of anger or—"

"—Just start talking. And start at the beginning. I wanna know everything." I cut her off, dismissing her words. What could she possibly say that would freak me out or as pathetic as it sounded— have a breakdown? I've never had a breakdown— okay maybe once but I was never going to have it again. I was in my most vulnerable and dare I say, I hated that me during that time.

I thought she was fine but fuck her for being the backstabbing bitch. I was— dare I say, heartbroken when I found out that she was stealing my mafia's information and selling it to others for money. She was going to sell to Enzo who told me about it instantly although we weren't friends back then.

He said something along the lines of ‘I don't want to start a fight with one of the most powerful mafias’ which was probably the wisest thing he ever did. Okay, jokes aside... that was basically how we got to know each other well and thought of an alliance. Anyway, she deserved those bullets I put through her disgusting eyes and throat. I never wasted so many bullets on someone but she deserved it.

"Okay," Athena muttered, "okay..." she repeated, nodding to herself, looking as nervous as ever which was starting to piss me off.

"Okay, what? Fucking talk—" I paused when I noticed that she was staring at me with her eyes wide opened. Ignoring that, I continued, "—what the fuck— oh my god. Girl, I swear to fuck if you don't get to the point, I'm gonna throw you off this plane right now—"

"—Wow okay, chill." She interrupted, "do you want something to drink? To calm you down, maybe?" I shot her a stern look which made her shut her mouth instantly. After a second, she let out a loud sigh, "fine, I'll talk."

"Finally." I sarcastically said resulting for her to roll her eyes as she leaned back in her seat, trying to relax herself.

What the hell was she about to say for her to act this way? It better not be anything bad or I would not hesitate to throw her off board.

I did it once.

Okay maybe thrice.

But I did give them parachutes.

Okay fine, I might have forgotten to do so.

But it was not my fault. They angered me and the thought of handing them parachutes did not cross my mind since I was too pissed to think of that.

But who cares? It was in the past anyway.

But it's kinda funny now that I think of it.

"Here's the thing, months ago, when I returned, I met with Alessio and yeah, everything was fine. We talked about our lives, he told me about Thea and of course, the way he spoke about her made me want to meet her and he said that he'd introduce us soon. I was like okay... I was excited. From what he'd tell me about her, she was a really cool girl— really nice. I'm surprised that you two are even related to be honest."

"Well I'm not surprised that you and Alessio are related." I retorted, "you both suck."

"You kissed me," she stated, giving me a blank look, "twice.'

"Yeah and I'll do it again. Your point?"

Her cheeks visibly heated up at my words but she quickly cleared her throat and composed herself, "anyway, back to the story. Okay... so after meeting up with Alessio and talking about all that stuff, I went to the hotel I was staying and did some stuff then I decided to find out more about my supposedly father and Elizabeth, the bitch."

"The bitch?" I repeated, raising my brows questioningly, "you don't like her?"

"Of course not," she responded, letting out a scoff as she did so, "when I first heard her story from Alessio, how she was kidnapped and all that... I found that incredibly suspicious."


I never truly understood that. If she was kidnapped by Vladimir and kept alive for years then why didn't she at least try to contact either Alessio or Lea?

"Go on."

"So I did some digging about the woman. I questioned some of Alessio's men. Lea and him were too happy to be finally reunited with their mom to question anything and I don't blame them. But turns out that during the years Elizabeth lived with Vladimir, she was living the life of a queen. He was giving her everything she could possibly ask for." A frown tugged at my lips at her words. "Then why did she act like she was a bitch in need to be saved when we attacked Vladimir's main house?"

"You said it yourself; act." She replied simply, "she was acting. It was all fake."

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