Oscar night

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There was a knock on the door and Lisa walked in. "Oh, sweetie you look stunning... Chris isn't going to know what hit him...." She said smiling. I blushed. "You really think so?" I said. "I know so..." Lisa said smiling pulling me in for a hug.

"Are you sure you are going to be okay tonight?" I asked Lisa when we pulled apart. "I am sure sweetie..." She said smiling. "I will have my phone in my clutch.... So, if there is anything just call." I said feeling a bit anxious. "I know dont worry. I will be fine but i promise to call if something comes up..." Lisa said giving me a reassuring smile. 

"It just feels wrong leaving him for the night... He is only 2 weeks old." I said letting out a sigh as doubt set in again. "I know sweetheart but i promise i will take great care of him...." She said smiling. "I know...It's just..." I mumbled looking down. 

"You are going to miss him..." Lisa said smiling. I nodded. There was a knock on the door. "Can i  come in...? Chris asked and i smiled straightening my dress. "Yes... You can come in...." I said nervously. 

The door opened and Chris walked in. "Oh, wow you look...... Wow..." he said a smile from ear to ear on his face. "You look incredible, so gorgeous..." He said smiling. "Stop Chris... You are going to make me cry... and that will ruin the make-up." I whispered. He smiled and kissed my cheek. "Even without the make-up you would still be the most beautiful woman there tonight...." He said charming me.

"The car is here..." He said holding out his arm. I linked my arm in his and he escorted me to the car. He helped me get in and walked around getting in at the other side. We drove to the place where the Oscars where being held, and Chris grabbed my hand. I looked at him and smiled. 

"Are you nervous...?" I asked. "A little but just being nominated is an honor...." He said smiling at me but i could see he was anxious but trying to hide it.  "Are you nervous?" He asked smirking "A little..."  I said blushing "But i am glad i have Seb and Mackie there to not let me fall...." I said smirking and Chris smiled. 

I was asked to present an award with Seb and Mackie... What Chris didn't know is i was going to be presenting the category best actor in which Chris was nominated.... 

We arrived at the red carpet the cars standing in a line waiting to pull up. "We are next..." Chris whispered squeezing my hand. I felt the little pouch i had sown into my dress... I let out a sigh of relief when i checked it. 

The door opened and Chris got out of the car... flashing lights were going of everywhere. We were lead over the red carpet to the space for the photo opp. Chris put his arm on my back rubbing circles with his thumb... When he felt nervous or anxious he always had to touch me he said it calmed him down and i didn't mind. I looked up at him smiling and he gave me a little kiss the photographers went even more crazy. 

After we had taken our photo's, we walked further stopping here and there for a few interviews, and after that we went inside. We got seated in the front since Chris was one of the nominees and the show started. 

I could see he was getting more and more nervous as his category came closer. A woman approached me and i kissed Chris on his cheek telling him i would be right back. As i walked backstage i checked the pouch again. I was brought to the back of the stage where Seb and Mackie where already waiting. 

"Wow would you look at that..." Mackie said smiling "You look amazing..." Mackie said kissing my cheek. "Thanks Mackie..." I said blushing. Seb kissed my cheek, and he gave me a hug. 

"Are you guys ready..." The woman in charge said and i nodded. Seb and Mackie both held out their arm and i took them both. "Dont make me fall guys..." I said feeling extra nervous. The Oscar was handed to Mackie and the envelope to Seb.  

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