His favorite contract killer

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"Oh, shut the fuck up..." I say crossing my arms looking at Lloyd rolling my eyes as he had started to yell at me... He shuts up temporarily stunned. He is not used to someone telling him to shut up... He is used to people being scared of him and doing whatever he asks of them... He would never tolerate it from anyone else... Only i could tell him to shut up and get away with it... I knew it... He knew it. Even if he would put on a show to make you believe otherwise.

"What did you say to me little girl...?!" He growls his face all red and i think i can see steam coming from his ears... "Dont call me that and i told you to shut the fuck up..." I say through gritted teeth. I stare at him to show him i am not scared. That i am not one of his minions... He called me to get the job done so he better be thankful. I did get the job done. Maybe not the way he wanted me to... But the outcome was the same. He wanted the guy dead, and he was... 

Shot in the head, dead before he even hit the ground... Lloyd had preferred that i let him suffer a little bit more.  He steps closer to me towering over me and i look up still not breaking eye contact. There is tension but like always it is sexual... We always have sexual tension but never gave into it... But his anger turns into an ominous smirk. I know that smirk. He is enjoying this... He is a sick son of a bitch and that says a lot coming from me... 

Yes, i kill... But i kill quick and efficiently... I kill quick and effecient... Most people dont see it coming and if they deserve it death will be quick... People who make no positive impact on the world... Bad people... Them i dont mind making them suffer... This is why i know that when my time comes i will suffer... I am not a good person. I dont fear it... It is what it is... Nobody will shed a tear for me... Nobody knows my real name and sometimes i wonder if i still do... The girl i once was, is gone and instead a hardened woman took her place. A woman who doesn't take shit from no one... A woman who doesn't hesitate to pull the trigger... Most people i kill are bad people anyways... Nobody will mourn them or even miss them... And if a person is not all bad i will make sure that their death is quick and without pain... That their families can say a proper goodbye. No messy death for semi good people... 

Maybe i should put a bullet in Lloyd's head... He is the definition of a bad person and definitely does not make the world a better place... But this little voice in my head stopped me from doing so... Maybe because the look of him makes my world a little better...  This invisible pull... Something inside of me found him interesting... Entertaining and hot. But i always pushed it down. In my line of work relationships made you weak and Lloyd was not the man to have relations with... He would tell you he loved you only to stab you in the back a second later... 

He would use you... And yet his effect on me is strong. Somehow he makes me feel all hot and bothered and sometime all i wanted was for him to bend me over and fuck me... There was something that prevented me from putting a bullet in his head. And that was my own sexual desires.... There was something about him that made me feel things i haven't in a long time. He awakened something inside me that i desperately tried to put to sleep again... Dont get me wrong i have my fun from time to time. But always with some guy i didn't know and i would always disappear before they would wake up... No muss no fuss... But no man could still the desire i had for him.

Still hooking up with Lloyd would create all kinds of problems, it was the reason i never gave in as much as i wanted to... Sometime imagined it. I didn't have to wonder if he was big. The tight pants he always wears won't leave anything to the imagination and i know for sure he would like it rough... And the idea of being dominated for once made my pussy drip with want. All those other pathetic men i hooked up with never could... I would not let them... They didnt have the balls to dominate me... I would just laugh in their faces... 

He looks at me trying to get me to look away but i won't budge, i never do as i enjoy the sexual tension it creates too much... "I have another job for you..." He growls finally giving up and i scoff... "No thanks... I am going to enjoy some time off. You know i never do 2 jobs back-to-back..." I say and he looks at me angry... But his anger turns into a smirk... "Oh but you are going to love this job, princess... As a matter of fact, you are going to like this job so much that you will offer to do it for free..." He says taking another step closer now towering over me... He looks down that cocky smirk on his lips... God i wonder what they would taste like... 

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