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I walked through the compound instructing the cleaning staff on what needed to be done. The avengers where on a mission and i took the opportunity to have the place deep cleaned. I worked for over a year now as a sort of assistant to the avengers after Fury and Tony decided they needed someone to handle the day-to-day stuff. Tony was fed up with the place always being a mess but knew that with all the missions and training there was no time for them to do it themselves.

Fury had put my name in the mix and Tony hired me on the spot mostly because i had put Captain Rogers in his place when he suggested a man would be a better fit... Saying that a woman would crack under the pressure of all the big personalities under one roof.

What he didn't know and not even Tony knew was that i had the ability to manipulate people's minds... I could influence feelings and moods. For example, as i wanted someone to feel pain all i had to do was say the word pain and the person it was aimed at would feel it. This could also be done with pleasure sadness i could make it so that people where to do everything i said.... Someone in a bad mood... I could make the negative feelings disappear...

Fury found me after i saved his life when he was ambushed and almost killed. I was walking out of the store when i saw a man walk up to him with a gun... He had seen it to and i compelled the man to put the gun down. That was one of the only times i had used my so-called gift. I never wanted to manipulate people, that is not who i am. Fury promised me to keep my secret but sometimes he jokes that i probably manipulated him to do so... To which i always reply that he will never know.

When the job came up at the Avengers compound, he pushed me forward knowing i would be able to handle it... So, when Rogers objected, he was annoyed. But i told Rogers that it wasn't the 40's anymore and that maybe he needed to think before he commented over the fact that a woman would never be tough enough since he relied on a few women in his team to have his back.

Natasha, Wanda and Pepper had chuckled, and Natasha had put her hand on his shoulder to warn him to choose his next words very carefully.

The next year i worked my ass off proving him wrong and got to know all of the avengers. I got along with everyone except Rogers who never missed an opportunity to show how much he disliked me. I could have manipulated the situation to make it so he would like me... but like i said that was not me. I had accepted a long time ago not everybody is going to like you.

I was sitting in my room enjoying my evening off, when there was a knock on my door. Natasha and Wanda walked in. "Hey, you guys are back..." I said smiling but my smile disappeared as they looked defeated.

"Everything okay?" I asked, Wanda shook her head. "Steve got hurt..." She said. "He got shot..." Natasha added letting out a sigh looking worried. "Is he going to be okay...?" I asked and they looked at me raising an eyebrow.

"What...? We might not get along i dont want the man to die..." I said rolling my eyes. "Right..." Natasha said smirking. "Bruce is asking if you could help him to take the bullet out..." Wanda said and i nodded got up and walked to the med bay.

Bruce was prepping to take the bullet out as i walked in. "You asked for my help Bruce..." I said. Steve looked at me annoyed and i rolled my eyes. "I am going to give you some pain medication hoping it will hold long enough for me to dig the bullet out..." Bruce said to Rogers.

I disinfected myself and put on gloves to help. "I'll be fine..." He growled still looking at me but i could see he was in pain. Bruce injected him and the pain became less as his face relaxed a bit. For a moment i studied his face. I had to admit he was gorgeous but as soon as he opened his mouth it didn't matter. He didn't like me and i had given up... I was not going to torture myself anymore for something that wasn't going to happen... I could manipulate him into liking me but why would i do that... It would know that the real him didn't like me... I would only fool myself...

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