Our girl ({2})

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Chris pov...

"What do we do now...?" I hear Seb murmur as he pulls the sheets over us... I take in a sharp breath... "She did not choose..." Seb continues and i take in another sharp breath... "Yes, she did... She had chosen something neither one of us thought off..." I mumble as smile forming on my face...I look at Seb... He blushes... Not just a little but turns bright red... "Seb?" I ask and he looks away... I look down at a sleeping Sage, she is out like a light... "Seb talk to me..." I say and he buries his head in Sage's hair as he is laying behind her... "It had crossed my mind..." He murmurs in her hair and i am smirk... I dont know why but this confession does something to me... I reach for him cupping his face and making him look at me... I dont know why i do this but somehow i want him to look at me for this conversation... 

"You did?" I ask feigning ignorance trying my best to remove the smirk from my face...  He looks at me and i study him, i really look at him... "You never did?" He asks and my smirk breaks through... "I did... Didn't think i would enjoy it this much..." I admit running my hand through his long hair and Seb smiles... "If she wants to... You are up to do it again?" Seb asks his voice trembling but dont even have to think about it... 

"Yes... No question about it..." I say with determination in my voice and i dont know why but i run my thumb over his lower lip... I have this strange feeling... A feeling i never had for a man before... Somehow i have the urge to kiss him. It is a little confusing as i never had this feeling before and always thought of myself as straight... But i had to admit to myself that i hadn't only been focused on her while we fucked her... My dick had gotten even harder when i saw him enjoy her wrapping her lips around his dick the first time. At that moment i had credited it to the fact i wished it was me... But now i was not so sure... The little grunts and groans as he got pleasure made me shiver... The feeling of him between my legs fucking her ass added a sensation i did not know i would enjoy... 

"Can i say something and you dont freak out..." Seb says pulling me out of my own thoughts and i nod... "No judgement...?" Seb says and i roll my eyes... "Seb i just seen you but naked with a hard on while we fucked the same woman... I think we are past the point of judging each other..." I whisper and he blushes... "I didn't find it as awkward as i thought i would... Seeing you was kind of a turn on..." Seb whispers looking at me with puppy eyes... For a moment i can see a hint of fear in them... I say nothing as i wait for him to talk more... But he doesn't... He just looks at me as i rub his cheek with my thumb... 

"Chris?" He whispers a scared look in his eyes... "Seb..." I whisper back smiling a little... I prop myself up the air is thick and the tension palpable... "Can i try something...?" I whisper and he nods a blush appearing on his face... I lean over Sage and take a deep breath... Part of can't believe i am going to do this... I never kissed a man before, but i feel the urge to kiss him... I move a little closer hovering my lips over his... "Tell me to stop... Tell me if you dont want this and i will lay back down and we never talk about it again..." I murmur and before i know what is happening, he is closing the distance and presses his lips on mine his hand gliding in the nape of my neck... It is just a peck... A quick kiss and i take in a deep breath as i want more... We look into each other's eyes while we both smile... 

We kiss again this time deepening the kiss exploring each other, our tongues doing a sensual dance... Seb lets out a little moan and i feel it go straight to my dick making it twitch... When we finally break apart, we are both out of breath and blushing... The kiss was softer than i would have thought... We kiss again this time with more hunger as i pull him closer by grabbing his ass... 

I take a deep breath as my dick is hard and i am so fucking turned on... It is a bit confusing i am kissing a man and being turned on... Not just any man... But Seb... My best friend who up to today i never thought about like this and yet is does not feel weird... I dont know why but i need him to know what he does to me... So, i take his hand and put it on my dick... "This is what you do to me... I never knew... But fuck you have me so hard..." I growl and Seb groans and grabs my hand putting it on his dick and i groan before we kiss again... I wrap my hand around his dick as he wraps his around mine... I smile into the kiss breathing heavy as we both start to move... As all the things i want to do to him and him do to me flash through my mind i realize we have to take is slow... But the thought of my dick in his mouth or in his ass is a fucking turn on... We pump each other Sage still wedged between us... 

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