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Shit, shit, shit, shit. This can't be happening.... I can't be pregnant.... not now. Not now that i had broken up with him.... Not after i was finally free from him....... I let out a sigh... what am i going to do... I look in the mirror at the broken shell that was me... The bruises from his last beating still slightly visible. The last night me and my fiancé now ex-fiancé where together he had beaten me to a pulp. There was no reason... There stopped being reasons a long time ago... In the end he didn't even apologize anymore... 

In the hospital a friendly nurse helped me to plan my escape... She moved me around from safe house to safe house. It was some sort of secret network helping woman to get away from there abusive partners.

I finally had settled down in Boston. I now here i was for 2 months... A long way from Arizona were i was born and raised. My mom had died when I was 19 leaving me alone to fend for myself. As far as I knew I had no other family. I never known my father as he died before I was even born.... He was in the military and died in explosion... My mother never recovered from the pain of losing him.

In the beginning Jason was everything I had wanted or dreamed of. Sweet.... Kind.... Gentle.... Funny... But soon that changed and it started with name calling. The first time he hit me I was in shock. The abuse got more physical, beating where common so was the sexual assault.

The last time I had said no to him... I was fed up... He jumped me and beat me before having his way with me. I was more death then alive when the police found me. A neighbor had called the cops. I was rushed to the hospital and the rest was history. He was arrested but released on bail and fled. He was arrested again later and was now in jail waiting for his day in court. I know the chance he was going to walk was big seeing as I had fled and refused to come back to afraid....

I had said goodbye to the few friends I had... Telling them with tears in my eyes I had to go... They understood. Me and Lauren just cried holding onto each other, neither one of us wanted to say goodbye but in order for me to be safe.... I had to leave. I needed a fresh start away from the place with all the bad memories.

I had finally found a place I liked. I found a job I could do from home... And home was this tiny apartment.... But I didn't care I was free... I adopted a dog... This old Shepard mix. 10 years old so sweet but due to her age nobody wanted her. It was just me and her. Well, me her and.... The baby now....

Pip started nudging me signaling she had to go out and I could use some fresh air, so I grabbed her leash. It was a gray day it drizzled and there was a chill in the air.... I loved these days people rather stayed inside but I just loved it. I loved the weather here.

I walked around the park, and it was quiet. People rather stayed inside. I walked to the part of the park especially for dogs. Here Pip could run free chase squirrels and just run around. I loved these rainy days even more because I was mostly the only one here.

I was throwing the ball playing with Pip when another dog came running into the picture. For a moment I smiled as the chased the ball together. But a dog meant an owner and as I looked up, I saw a guy walking my way. He was wearing a cap and jacket the collar pulled up and even though there was no sun he was wearing sunglasses. He was taller than me and I could feel myself panic. I didn't like that I couldn't see who he was.

"Hi" the guy said with a big smile. It was the only thing I could see of him. It looked creepy.... A face covered only a smile visible. "Hi" I mumbled back feeling myself get more anxious. It was like Pip could feel I was getting anxious because she came running over and sat next to me as to say don't worry, I will protect you.

"Your dog?" the guy asked, and I nodded. "What is her name?"  He asked still that smile on his face. "Pip." I mumbled again. The guy wanted to say something, but anxiety took over and I needed to go. "I have to go..." I mumbled and quickly walked away leaving him standing there, Pip never leaving my side.

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