Heartbreak and Frenemies

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I am sitting in the bar zipping on my drink. I don't know how many I already had but I don't care. A few hours ago, I was happy... in love and loving my life. Now... I was heartbroken and numb. I wanted to surprise my boyfriend of 3 years, so I took off of work early and went to his house. Planning to cook us a nice meal... But to my surprise he was else occupied with a leggy blond between his legs. I threw the groceries I was carrying at them and stormed out. I drove around for a bit before I ended up at the bar.

A rowdy crowd came in laughing and yelling and I looked up. I groaned when I saw it was Evans and his friends. Great just what I need I thought to myself. I looked down hoping that they wouldn't see me. I knew Chris since we were kids. I went to school with his brother and was and still am great friends with Scott. For the longest time i had a crush on him but he never paid attention to me, and after he went to LA to start his career i just pushed it out of my mind. When he would come back in town with some bimbo i would ignore him. Over time i started dating and it became easier. I finished my drink and ordered another one.

I could feel the liquor go to my head creating a nice buzz numbing my pain. "Well, if it isn't evil spawn..." I heard behind me, and I groaned. "Leave me alone Evans... I am not in the mood..." I said letting out a sigh. "What now is evil spawn in a bad mood...?" He said mocking me. 

"Fuck off Evans... Leave me alone..." I said a tear running down my face. I shielded my face from him not wanting to give him the satisfaction of him seeing me cry. "Hey seriously Y/n... Are you okay...?" Chris said now his voice sounded worried. "I am fine Chris go back to your friends..." I said rolling my eyes. But he didn't instead he sat down next to me. 

"What don't you understand at leave me alone Evans..." I sighed.  "Come on Y/N talk to me..." He said in a serious tone. "You're the wrong Evans for that...." I said shaking my head. "Nah i am the best Evans..." He said smirking. "That is debatable..." I said taking another sip of my drink. 

I finished my drink and ordered another one. "How many have you had...?" Chris asked. "Who are you, my mother?" I said rolling my eyes. "Come on Y/n dont be like that..." Chris said. I scoffed. "Well feel free to leave me alone and you won't have to deal with that..." I bit back at him. 

"Why dont you come and sit with us..." Chris asked and i looked at him like he was crazy. "Oh yeah let's go sit with the people who humiliated me in school... ill pas... thank you very much..." I said taking another sip of my drink. 

Chris sighed. "Okay then we stay sitting here..." He waved over the bartender. "I'll have what she is having...." He said pointing at my drink.  The bartender poured him a glass and he took a sip. We sat there i silence until i felt a hand on my shoulder.

I turned around, looking into the eyes of the man who cheated on me. "Hey baby... can we talk." He said looking at me as i looked at him angry. "Nope nothing to talk about anymore Joe..." I said letting out a sigh. "Baby please... It was a mistake i love you.... She was sad and i tried to comfort her and...." He said but i cut him off.

"Oh, and what... She really needed to suck your dick for comfort..." I scoffed. "Lower your voice..."  Joe said angry. "Buddy... I think it is time for you to go..." Chris said standing up. Joe looked at Chris. "Mind your own business... I am talking to my girlfriend, and it has nothing to do with you..." He said sizing Chris up. "EX girlfriend..." I said. "Now leave me alone we are done..." I said. "NO!!" Joey yelled "We are going to talk about this..." He yelled and pulled my arm making me stumble of the stool. "Let me go!" I said trying to keep myself upright.  

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