Off limits

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Y/n pov

"Where are you going?" Robert said looking at me as I walked down the stairs in his house.

I had been staying with him and his wife ever since we found out I was his biological daughter. He wanted to get to know me and although we couldn't make up for lost time... We just wanted to create some sort of relationship. Things were going great... His family was sweet and welcoming, I got to know my half brothers and sisters and me and Susan got along great. The only thing irritating me was the fact that he was overprotective... As i was always being independent and alone since as long as i can remember. I was used to having no family and i took some getting used to and sometimes it would just clash. 

I looked around for my car keys not paying attention to Robert and some of his former Marvel Costars as they were sitting in the kitchen. It was not that i didn't like them... But for my own sanity i kept my distance. 

"Y/n? Where are you going.... Dressed like that...?" Robert asks the tone in his voice fatherly and for a moment I swear he would send me upstairs. I was all dolled up in short black sparkly dress with open back and some sexy heels showing off my legs. My ass and boobs looked to die for in this dress if i say so myself. 

"Dancing..." Was all I said as I smiled at him, holding up my keys as I finally had found them. "Not dressed like that you don't..." He said loudly. I looked at him and sighed... "32..." is all I said rolling my eyes before walking upstairs to get my clutch. "Y/n!!" He yelled after me. "No, you can't stop me i am a grown adult who needs some fun tonight...." I said in a firm tone. 

I looked in the mirror and sighed. I needed this... A night out just drinking and dancing... maybe a hook up... but i needed this to get my pent-up energy out. Dont get me wrong staying here getting to know everyone was great...but with Robert's house came guests and i was frustrated. ...

He had thrown a 'small' get together a few weeks ago with his closest friend all 100 or so.... He was there to...Chris Evans... God that man was sex on legs... But off limits... It didn't help that all night he seemed to find me and flirt. He and the guys he was closest to and i hung out almost all night.  I was frustrated and it didn't help that they came over allot after that... Always flirting but never making a real move and i was sick of it. 

All talk no action was having me all frustrated ...because i didn't understand i t was not like i hadn't flirted back. I groan looking in the mirror again fixing my hair and letting out a deep sigh.  I needed a release... so i decided to just go out dancing and having a few drinks...maybe find me a man to get under one who didn't know i was Robert's bio daughter... One who was not all talk and no action. 

I walked back downstairs and i was just about to head out when Robert came to me. "Chris, Seb and Anthony will come with you..." I groaned as i turned around... "No!" I said getting annoyed. Here i was a 32 your old woman... Who about 6 months ago found out who was my father was and now he was trying to parent me... Which we had agreed on was not going to happen. "Look i can take care of myself...." I said letting out a sigh.

"Sweetheart i dont want you going out alone... You dont know the town or the sort of people in these clubs..." I rolled my eyes at the fact that he thought i was some helpless idiot. I looked at the 3 men standing behind him... The look on his face serious while Seb and Anthony where whispering to each other and giggling and Chris was looking at the floor avoiding me. 

"Yeah, i am not bringing them..." I said crossing my arms. "Yes you are..." Robert protested. "No they will cramp my style..." I said rolling my eyes and Chris his head shot up as he understood what i meant.  "No offence but i am going out to...well you know... and no man will come near me with them around me...." Robert smirked...and i know that was his intention. 

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