Did you lose something...

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"Miss...?" A little voice said pulling on my pants. As I look down a little girl is looking back up at me. "Hey sweetie..." I say smiling at her as I get to her eye level. "What is wrong sweetie?" I ask her as I can see she is on the verge of tears. 

"I can't find my uncle's..." She whispers and a tear finally breaks trough. "Oh sweetie..." I say picking her up and hugging her. "Don't cry sweetheart... I help you find them, okay?" I wipe away her tears and smile at her. "My name is Y/n... What is yours?" I ask her after i wiped away all her tears. "Stella..." She says between sobs. 

"Well miss Stella... Let's walk around see if we can find them...." I say smiling. I walk around talking to Stella to keep her from getting more scared. "So, Miss Stella what are your uncle's names." I ask. "Scott and Chris..." She says, and I smile at her. 

"STELLA!" We hear a voice yell out in a panic and I smile at the little girl in my arms. "I think they are looking for you to..." I say smiling at her as I make my way towards the sound. "Lost something?" I call out as both men are facing away from me. They immediately turn around and a flash of relief washes clearly over their faces making me chuckle a bit. 

But all of a sudden, I recognize one of them. "Holy shit..." I mumble to myself but I keep a straight face as I walk up to them and hand Stella to him. "Thank you... Thank you..." They both say. "It's okay..." I say smiling.  "Well miss Stella... You have a lovely day now... And make sure your uncle's get you some ice cream..." I say winking at her.

"Bye..." I say turning around and walking back to my own shopping. I smile as they are at the register opposite of me and Stella is waving. She pulls at her uncle's pants saying something pointing at me and I look away not wanting to get caught staring. God that man is even more handsome then in the movies... Looking like a typical Boston guy. 

I pay for my stuff and walk out when I hear a voice call out for me. I turn around and see him walking up to me. "Uhm, can we buy you some ice cream... As a thank you..."  Chris says scratching the back of his neck. As I look behind him his brother and Stella look to be giggling. I make it obvious that I look around Chris and see them giggling and they stop immediately. 

"Sure..." I say smiling. "I am Chris by the way..." He says blushing sticking out his hand for me to shake. I look at him and smirk... "Y/n..." I say shaking his hand feeling little sparks run down my hand. "Do you want to follow us?" Chris asks. "Yeah, give me a minute to put my stuff in the car..."  I say holding up my bags. 

"Let me help you..." He says taking the bags from me before I can even protest and follows me to my car. He puts everything in the trunk. "Maybe i should drive with you..." He says smiling shyly at me... "Where we get ice cream is a little remote..." I look at him and raise my eyebrow. "You get how that sounds right..." I say and his eyes grow big. "I didn't mean... No that's not what I..." He says stammering and i start laughing. 

"Relax it's fine..." I say smiling and waving at Stella and Scott who had drove up to us without him noticing. He looks behind him and back at me. I throw him my keys. "You can drive..." I say and he smiles. I walk around the car to sit in the passenger seat... He follows me and holds the door open for me.

I get in and he closes the door walking around and getting behind the wheel. "So do you do this often?" He asks. "Do i do what often?"  I say giving him a little smile. "Letting strangers drive your car." Chris explains. 

"Oh yeah... All the time... I like the thrill." I say smirking at him I can see that he is assessing me... To see if I am crazy or just joking. "Already regretting getting in a car with me?" I say letting out a little chuckle.  He says nothing. "Don't worry Evans... I think we both are going to be okay.  I am not a crazy person, and I think if you were a psycho the press would have picked up on that by now... But your more known as America's golden boy... So, I think I am going to be safe." I say letting out a chuckle.

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