To late

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I look around the party Chris was giving and sigh... Some girl is sitting in his lap and i roll my eyes... I have known Chris for a few years now... We became fast friends and became really close spending practically every free moment together... I would be lying if i said there was nothing more on my end, but Chris never seemed interested... And why would he... I am not on of those women who looks like she belongs on a catwalk... Or in a movie for that matter... We once almost kissed but he pulled away... I sigh scolding myself for being so pathetic... I dont know why i do this to myself... Every party there is another girl and every time i hate myself for letting it bother me... 

I am torturing myself for someone who will never see me like anything more than a friend... I am not his type of girl and i have to let it go... It is not going to happen... I am torturing myself seeing him with a different girl every time not to mention he has no shame of the sounds coming from his bedroom when i am staying over whenever there is a party... While i got ready for the party i promised myself to let it go and just have fun see where the night would take me... Go with the flow sort of speak... Stop focusing on Chris and who knows what would happen if i opened myself up for it... 

I shake my head to get rid of my thoughts and turn around looking for Scott... He sees me and waves me over... I smirk as he is standing at the beer pong table and when i step beside him, he tells the guys across from us that i will be his partner for this game... I recognize one of them as being one of Chris his close friends... I dont remember his name as Chris had introduced us ones but quickly had pulled me away... "Do you think you got what it takes to beat us sweetheart..." Chris his friend says smirking and i roll my eyes... 

"Bring it on pumpkin..." I snap back at him, and he grins... "Well ladies first..." He says and i dont argue and just line up my shot and hit it in one of the cups... "Suck on that Josh... Now drink!" Scott yells and i smirk as Josh looks at me while downing the drink... "Oh it is tequila by the way..." Scott says and i groan... "Scott! You know what happens when i drink tequila..." I say rolling my eyes and he pats my back... "You got this Y/N..." He says grinning and i sigh... Josh his partner i dont know at all and never have seen before lines up his shot and misses and i smirk as Josh groans... "Okay Scott dont let me down..." I say getting fanatic and he smirks throwing the ball and it lands perfectly in one of the cups and we high five... "Drink up Tyler!"  Scott yells and i smirk... 

It is Josh his turn and he land the ball in the cup and i groan but not wanting to come across like a pussy i slam the drink down before getting in position and i smirk throwing the ball in the cup and Josh groans... 

This goes on until Scott and have won and i smirk at Josh... "How is your ego doing pumpkin..." I grin and he smirks... "My ego wants revanche..." He says and Scott and Tyler set up the game again pouring the cups with tequila again... Josh has made his way over to me and he looks at me with a smirk on his face... "What do you say we make it interesting..." He says and i look up at him feeling a little braver then usual due to the tequila... "What are you suggesting?" I say not backing down... "If i win you go on a date with me..." He says and i look at him stunned for a second. I swallow hard as i had not seen this coming... But i am intrigued... "And what if i win...?" I whisper and he smirks running his finger down my jawline... "That is up to you sweetheart..." He says grinning... 

"If i win... You have to... jump in the pool... naked..." I say smirking knowing it is freezing outside... He looks at me stunned for a second but pulls himself together... He leans in and smirks... "If you want me naked sweetheart all you have to do is ask..." He whispers in my ear... I chuckle and stick out my hand pushing him back holding it out for him to shake... "Take it or leave it pumpkin..." I say smirking and he laughs and shakes my hand holding it a little longer than necessary grinning at me... "IT IS A BET!!" Scott yells breaking our little staring contest... Scott smirks at me and i chuckle but take a deep breath wondering what i got myself into...

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