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2 weeks I have been ignoring Chris. He deserves better.. Someone who can give him everything he wants not someone broken like me. It hurts but I love him to much to take his dreams away, it is for the best he will find someone who can give him his biggest wish.... Kids.

My phone rings again and I sigh as his name appears on the screen.

3 weeks ago I had a check up at the doctor and he told me the chance of me having kids was less then 5% and knowing how much he wanted the big Boston family I couldn't do it to him.

He looked so sad when I told him I couldn't be with him anymore begging me to stay. He just didn't understand... We had plans to move in. He kept calling... Begging to know why... At first, I picked up but after a few days I couldn't anymore it just hurt too much. I knew if I told him he would give up his dream of having kids that was just who he was.

I got a text and sighed as I read it once again it was Chris. I didn't answer. 

A few days passed it was late and i was watching a movie. I had ordered pizza, there was a knock on the door but instead of the pizza delivery guy... it was Chris. I tried to close the door, but he put his foot between it. Pleading to please talk to him it got too much and i broke down giving him chance to get inside. "Please go Chris... Please dont make it harder than it has to be..." I said sobbing. 

He looked terrible just like me... Just like me hadn't slept. "Please i need to know why..." He pleaded. "I can't sleep... I can't eat... I miss you every minute of every day and i need to know why..." He said crying. 

"I can't give you what you want Chris..." I whispered hoping that that was good enough but of course it wasn't. "Why now... What brought this on... We were going to move into together... Start our lives together... Have a family... I was going to ask you to marry me." He said and i broke. 

"I CAN'T OKAY!" I yelled. "WHY!" He yelled back a desperate look on his face. "I CAN'T GIVE YOU A FAMILY!" I blurted out tears in my eyes. "What?" He said looking at me confused sitting down. "I can't have kids..." I whispered sitting down myself and i finally broke starting to cry. 

I felt two arms wrap around me and hold me tight, i was tired in pain and had no fight left in me as i started sobbing. "I can't give you kids Chris... and you deserve a family... You want a family..." I said still sobbing. "How do you know..." He whispered still sounding confused. "I had a checkup at the doctor that is when they found out..." I said between sobs. "There is a less then 5% chance of me ever getting pregnant and i can't do that to you..." I said crying hysterically. 

"Shhh... There are so many ways of starting a family..." He whispered. "I dont care how we start our family... All i want is to be with you Y/N... I dont want that family if it is not with you..." He whispered. 

"Chris..." I said letting out a sigh looking up at him. "No listen... We can adopt... Have a surrogate... There are so many kids who need a family..." He said looking at me. "But..." I started to say but he shut me up kissing me. I melted in the kiss. For the first time in 3 weeks i felt a shiver of hope. 

"I love you Y/N and i will love our kids no matter how we get them... Please Y/N i can't lose you... I love you...." He said looking at me with tears in his eyes. "I love you to Chris..." I whisper. "I just feel so broken..." I said looking at him sad... "You're not broken Y/N... Do you love me?" He asked. "More than everything..." I whisper. "I love you more than anything to... I can't life without you." He whispered. I nodded and kissed him. 

He stood up and lifted me from the couch carrying me to bed where we both for the first time in 2 weeks both had a goodnight sleep... Both of us where in too deep of a sleep wrapped around each other to even hear the pizza delivery guy knocking on the door. 

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