Summer love

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I was sitting at home my friends were visiting after i had been on vacation. I had been away for 2 weeks and i had to say it had been two amazing weeks. I had a vacation fling... We met on the first night i was there and the attraction was instant. We made a deal seeing as we both where on vacation... No last names... No personal info... Just live in the moment. 

Of course, i knew his whole name... I mean... Chris Evans is not someone you dont know... But for the sake of the romance, we pretended. I never told him my full name... We never talked about work or practically about anything from our lives back home... We really lived in the moment 2 weeks joint at the hips practically inseparable. 

"Y/N? Earth to Y/N!?" Ella said snapping her fingers in front of my face and  i snapped out of my thoughts and looked at her. "Sorry... What where you saying?" I asked blushing. 

"I asked If you had fun...? And if there were any hot guys on your vacation." She said smirking. I blushed and nodded. "Yeah, i spend two weeks with this guy..." I said the blush on my face getting more noticeable. 

"OOOH tell us about him..." She said with a big smile and a twinkle in her eye, everyone was now focused on me and i could swear i was now as red as a tomato. "Nothing to tell really..." I whispered. "We had two weeks together and agreed to not swap last names or talk about life back home so..." I whispered.  

"So, you're never going to see him again?" Ella asked shocked. "Yep..." I said nodding wanting this conversation to be over.  I know Chris and i agreed but saying goodbye was tough... I didn't want it to end but i kept saying to myself that this is how it was supposed to be... He had to go back to his life and i to mine. It was a beautiful fairy tale for two weeks, but it would never work in real life. At least that was what i kept saying to myself to keep my sanity and to not completely shut down. 

Everyone fell back in their own conversations thankfully... And the rest of the night no one brought it up again. "You want to stay over?" I ask Ella as we are cleaning up after everyone had left. "Yes please..." She said smiling at me. 

"So, you want to talk about it?" She asked looking at me with a raised eyebrow. "Talk about what?" I said looking at her. She smirked and pulled me onto the couch. "The guy... Do you want to talk about the guy. I know you are not as okay with not seeing him again as you claimed earlier..." She said giving me a small smile. I let out a sigh... "What's the point... I am never going to see him again.  He lives halfway across the world..." I said letting out a sigh again. 

She looked at me... "I thought you didn't know anything about each other." She said looking at me confused. I sighed. "I know more of him then he knows of me..." I murmured. Ella looked at me even more confused. "Explain yourself woman..." She said looking at me and i knew that look on her face that was the look when she wouldn't let something go. I sighed and pulled out my phone to show her one of the few photos we took together. It showed us in bed on one of the last nights. We both wanted a memory and took the picture promising to not post it. 

I showed her the picture and she looked at me in shock.... "Y/N... that is Chris Evans..." She said looking at me with big eyes. "I know..." I said softly. "Your summer fling was Chris Evans?" She said and i  nodded. "Holy shit..." Was all she said. 

"You slept with America's ass and agreed to never see him again?" She said and the way she asked the question made it sound like i had killed someone. I explained a little more of what happened. The night we met in the nightclub... how we danced, the instant attraction and the conversation that lead to our agreement. 

We were silent for a bit, and she started smirking... "I got one question... and then i let it go if you want." She said and the smirk on her face got even bigger. "And what question is that...?" I said a little hesitant. "Was he any good?" I blushed and nodded. She squealed shaking me. "You have to keep it to yourself though..." I said looking at her serious. "I promise..." She said.

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