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I watch her from my booth at the bar, not paying attention to the friends and my brother i had dragged along this time... I am here because of her... Ever since i laid eyes on her, she has become my obsession... About 5 weeks ago, Scott dragged me out for a drink... I had locked myself away finally having some time off. My then girlfriend had broken up with me a few weeks before that... She couldn't take it anymore, the constant criticism online... The harassment... The bullying she just couldn't take it anymore and left me... 

To be honest I didn't really miss her... But i was just fed up with the fact that due to others another relationship had stranded yet again... I think i was sadder about that then the actual break up as it was such a struggle from day one to be with her... In the beginning i found it worth it but the more the relationship progressed the more it annoyed me, to have to constantly reassure her that i loved her no matter what people said... It got tiring, so i was not to broken up about the fact it was over. I was just relieved she pulled the plug on it all ... Which made me feel guilty as she was struggling with the breakup... Or at least that is what i heard from people who knew her... As okay i am with the breakup. I couldn't help but wonder if i ever would find someone who could handle the life i was living... It was a depressing thought... But the last 5 weeks she has been my little bright light... The reason to get up. I know it sounds stupid. I dont even know her and she doesn't even know me...

I still watch her while taking another sip of my beer... I can't tear my eyes away from her... Wondering if she could deal with my life... Wondering if she could handle it... She is smiling having fun like every Friday... She was here every Friday always with the same people... I think for afterwork drinks or something... She is beautiful, a presence you can't miss... She seems to be the center of her friend group... Bubbly, kind and caring, at least she comes across like that in the way she interacts with her friends... It makes me fall for her even harder... She is unlike any woman that had caught my eye before.  

This voluptuous woman with the beautiful smile and curves in all the right places... She got me under her spell, and she doesn't even know it... The first time i saw her i got lured in by hearing her laugh... It was the most beautiful sound in the world... And when i laid my eyes on her my dick twitched... God she is so sexy... Her skin looks so soft and flawless... Her brown hair flowing over her shoulders in waves... She is a goddess... A soft curvy goddess...

That smile lures you in only to notice her eyes a second later... The twinkle in them made even the most expensive diamond look like a piece of glass and you can see i from across the room... Those big, beautiful eyes stand out in any room... I never got close enough to see their color but i imagine they were the most gorgeous eyes in the world... She looks sweet and soft but the way she carries herself is full of confidence and just by seeing her i knew she did not take shit from anyone... I have watched her a few weeks now to see her turn down one man after another. Part of me made me happy she did... I dont think i can handle seeing her leave with another man... She is mine... I only have to gather the courage to make her mine... I need to figure out a way to have her not turn me down... I can hear her giggle again as i am focused on nothing else but her... That giggle is etched in my mind... I would recognize it anywhere. 

God those curves... She looks so soft... Tonight, she was wearing a tight red dress leaving almost nothing to the imagination as it hugged those curves perfectly and it is killing me. Her ass jiggles when she walks... Her massive juicy boobs propped up almost popping out and definitely hard to ignore... And than those thighs... I can't tell you how many times i jerked off imagining them wrapped around my head as i eat her out... The thought of her riding my face came up more than once... I bet she tastes so sweet... As sweet as she looks. 

I fantasized about her ass bouncing on my dick as i fucked her from behind slapping her ass pink... Or burying my head between those boobs sucking on them kneading them in my hands... Yes, she was bigger than any girl i had ever had but fuck she was sexy... Just thinking about her made me hard... I want her... No... I fucking need her... 

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