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I had just lighted the candles when my phone pinged. I saw a message from Chris.

C: out with the boys for a few drinks dont wait up sweetheart dont know how late it is going to be. 

Normally i wouldn't mind but it being our 5-year anniversary. I had dressed up bought a sexy set of lingerie a dress to die for showing off all my curves making me feel sexy as hell i even cooked his favorite food and had a surprise for him. I sighed feeling the tears start to come. I couldn't believe he forgot. I blew out the candles and send him a text back. 

Y/N: seriously of all nights you decide to go out for drinks tonight...

C: What is the big deal, i just wanted a night with the guys stop being so dramatic. 

I looked at his text in utter shock he really forgot i thought to myself.

Y/N Fine have fun. 

Is all i send not having the energy to argue about this... nor did i want to. Apparently, he didn't care so why should i... I didn't bother cleaning up the dining room table letting dinner, and everything just stand there as i walked to our bedroom. I took of my clothes just dropping them to the floor i didn't care... I removed my make-up and freshened myself up as i walked into the closet putting on something comfortable. My phone pinged again. 

C: Since when do you make such drama about me having a drink with the guys. 

I scoffed but didn't answer if he didn't remember that today was our 5th anniversary i wasn't going to remind him. I looked at the big bed letting out a sigh. I grabbed my pillow and walked to the guestroom i didn't want to sleep in our bed knowing he would come home drunk and clingy... I didn't want to sleep next to him... I was too angry. I never had made a problem of him going out with friends i didn't text him all night as he was out. So, for him to tell me i was making drama made me even angrier.

I crawled into the bed in the guestroom and watched a movie falling asleep halfway through. 

Chris pov.

I had texted Y/N that i was going out for drinks. I smiled at my phone as she replied thinking she would send me a have fun text. Y/N never made a problem from me hanging out with friends nor did she text me all the time just letting me have fun. It was one of the things i loved about her. That is why i looked at the text reading it again wondering if i had read it right. Nope it was really there on my screen... "seriously of all nights you decide to go out for drinks tonight..."

i felt annoyed so i send her back what the big deal was and for her to stop being dramatic. "Fine have fun..." was all i got back annoying me even more what has gotten into her. I send her a text back while we walked into the bar, asking her since when she made such drama about me having drinks with the boys but there was no reply coming anymore. I sighed and put away my phone adamant to not let this spoil my fun. 

About two hours later and many drinks in my phone dinged and i saw i had a text from Scott. I was so proud of him he was working on his first big budget movie overseas. I opened the text and my heart sank. 

Scott: Hope i am still in time to wish you happy five year anniversary. Give my favorite Sis in law a kiss and a hug from me. Hope you guys have a nice celebration.

My heart sank as the texts from Y/N made sense now. How could i forget..."Fuck...!" I yelled slamming my hand on the table making everybody jump. "Dude what's up with you..." One of my buddy's asked. "You dont look so good..." He said looking at me confused. "Fuck!" I yelled again standing up putting on my coat. 

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