The vet

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Y/N pov

I was just about to lock up my clinic when i heard the bell of the door go off. "Hello...!" I heard a voice say sounding panicked. I walked to the front desk seeing a man standing there holding a dog in his arms. 

Holy fuck i thought to myself, I knew he lived in Boston but i never thought he would show up in my clinic. "I think my dog broke his leg..." He said his voice still sounding panicked pulling me out of my shock. "Okay follow me..." I said walking in front of him to an exam room.  "Put him on the table..." I said pointing and he put his dog down carefully. 

"What is his name?" I asked as if i didn't know. "Dodger..." He said breathing heavy. "Okay calm down..." I said giving him a reassuring smile. I asked some questions and felt the leg which he said that was probably broken. I felt the leg and Dodger whimpered in pain. "I know buddy it hurts i am sorry." I said stroking his head.

"Okay... Mr...?" I said looking at the man. "Evans... but please call me Chris..." He said looking at me with tears in his eyes. Yeah, like i didn't know that i thought to myself. "Okay i am going to take some x rays. It is definitely broken but i have to see what kind of break to make a plan to proceed...." I said and he nodded. "My assistant have already left so if you wouldn't mind giving me a hand... If you are not comfortable with that i have to make a phone call for someone to come in to help the choice is yours..." I said giving him a reassuring smile.

"I'll help..." Chris said and stood up. I grabbed a gurney specially for these types of situations and asked him to help me lift Dodger on it, but not before i sedated him a little to make sure he wasn't in too much pain and so i could take the x ray. We rolled him towards the x ray machine and after i asked Chris to wait outside i took the pictures. I walked towards my office pulling them up on my computer reviewing them. 

It was a nasty break which definitely needed surgery. I called in my assistant and walked back to the exam room where Dodger and Chris where waiting. I smiled as Chris was sitting next to Dodger patting him reassuring him that everything was going to be okay. I shook my head trying to get rid of the dirty thought filling my head, pull yourself together i scolded myself internally he needs you to fix his dog... Not drool over him. 

"So, i reviewed the x rays and called in an assistant because i need to operate on him to set the bone..." He looked at me shocked. "Okay you have to operate now?" He asked. I nodded. "Otherwise, the bone will set, and he will lose the leg... I have to weigh him to determine how much i have to use to put him under..." I said and Chris nodded. We lifted him on the scale as he was still a bit out of it. 

I made notes and we put him back on the table. I told him i was going to make preparations and that if he needed something he could find me in the next room he nodded. "Oh Ms...?" He said. "Y/L/N... but call me Y/N..." I said giving him a little smile. "Thank you, Y/N..." He said. "No need just doing my job..." I said and he nodded and i left the room. 

I started preparing for surgery as i heard the doorbell again and i walked to the front finding my assistant Lucas putting his coat on the hanger. "What do we have..." He said putting on his work shirt. "Dodger Evans..." I said reading the chart, he looked at me with big eyes and i shook my head putting my finger on my mouth and he said nothing. 

"Dodger Evans broken leg we need to operate... If you would be so kind to finish prepping the room, I'll go do one last run trough of the x rays making a plan of attack..." I said and Lucas nodded and left for the operating room. I walked to my office reviewing the x rays one more time and made my way to the room Chris and Dodger was in. "Okay..." I said taking a deep breath pulling the photo's up on the computer screen in the room. 

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