Marry me...

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"Marry me..." Chris said looking at me with a smirk on his face. I was in a bar with a group of my friends and during the night we had merged with Chris and his group of friends. Chris had been flirting with me all night and even though i had flirted back he didn't get the desired effect out of me he really wanted. I wasn't a giggly girl... His fame didn't impress me... Dont get me wrong he is hot... and as far as i could see he was sweet and caring... But he was also full of himself thinking he could easily win me over.

From the moment he saw me he went into flirting mode and at some point, he tried to kiss me and i turned him down saying i was not a one-night stand girl and that no matter what... I was not sleeping with him...  So, after a lot of back and forth during the night and me not giving in he thought he could shock me with this question. 

I just smirked at him... "Before i answer that question i have a question of my own..." I said smirking back at him. "Go ahead..." He said nodding. "How many dogs?"  I asked still a grin on my face. "As many as you want sweetheart..." He said leaning over the table. Neither one of us had broken eye contact and our friends were still silent. "Then yes... I will marry you..."  I said chuckling.

The bar called for last round and most of the friend group got up to leave still in shock of our conversation. Chris stood up and held his hand out for me to take and had admit as i put my hand in his it felt... right. "Do you feel it?" He asks. "Do you feel how right it is?"  He said in a low husk tone... I just smiled at him... "I am going to marry you one day..." He whispered in my ear and i shivered. 

"Sure, you are..." I whispered back and gave him a sweet short kiss before walking out leaving him standing there. 

1 year later

"May i introduce to you for their first dance as husband-and-wife... Mr. And Mrs. Evans!"  Scott yelled and Chris twirled me around before taking me in his arms kissing me. "Told you i would marry you one day..." He said a cocky smirk on his face. I chuckled and shook my head before laying my head on his shoulder letting him sway me around on the dancefloor. 

To my surprise Chris showed up at my house the day after our night in the bar... He took me out and we had an amazing time... We just clicked...  2 months into dating we introduced each other to our family's and 6 months in he asked me to marry him for real... 

I said yes feeling on cloud nine. Today was exactly a year after the day we met... and i couldn't be happier. If you had asked me that day i would really have married him i would say you were crazy... But here we are crazy in love... 

I just had one more surprise for him... After our first dance i took his hand and dragged him out. I pushed him up against the wall and kissed him before reaching in the pocket of my dress. "I have a surprise for you..." I whispered. I pulled out the little stick and showed it to him and his eyes grew big... "You are pregnant?" He whispered with tears in his eyes... I nodded and smiled back to him through my own tears. 

"I love you Chris..." I said and he smiled cupping my face kissing me again. "I love you to baby... from the moment i saw you i loved you..." 

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