What About Me!

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I walk into Chris his house after I was finished with a meeting feeling tired and drained not wanting anything more than just lay on the couch in his arms.

I met Chris at one of my father's party's and we hit it off. My father didn't like it. I knew that ever since we found out I was his daughter a year ago he was very protective. I was the result of a short relationship he had 34 years ago. She never told him about me and gave me up for adoption. Robert had welcomed me with open arms but having lost my adoptive parents when I was just 22 made me grow up fast and I valued my independence having a father figure again was a big adjustment and it went with ups and downs.

Being Robert Downey Jr, he was used to always get his way and that is where we sometimes would but heads. But for most of the time we got along. I knew he didn't like Chris and me dating saying that we weren't right for each other, but I told him I could take care of myself.

I walked into the living room where Chris was sitting on the couch. "Hey." I said smiling but he didn't smile back. "We need to talk..." Was all he said and looked at me sad. "I don't think we should do this anymore..." He said looking at me. The words hitting me like a brick wall. "What do you mean?" I ask with a shaky voice. "Look I can't come between you and your family..." He said avoiding looking at me. "You don't..." I say... confused. "Robert will come around he has to get used to the idea...." I said letting out a sigh.

"He won't though..." Chris said looking at me. "Yes, he will..." I tried to say. "Look I talked to Robert on set today... and we decided it was best if you get back to him... to be with your family." He said, his tone of voice adamant. It was like a slap in the face. 

They had decided what was supposedly best for me... They were dictating my life and I felt angry. "You and Robert decided!" I spat at him making him jump a little. "You 2 had a little meeting deciding how MY life should go..." I scoffed. "And neither one of you thought... Hey! What would Y/N want... Maybe we should include her in this conversation...?" I said angry.

"Look we only want what is best for you...." He started to say taking a step towards me. I scoffed again taking a step back. "I can't believe this..." I said feeling the anger rise inside of me. "You know what fine... You want other people dictating your life go right ahead... You dont want to fight for us... Than i sure as hell not going to waste my fucking time on you. Un fucking believable... I am a fucking adult... Bunch of assholes...!" I grabbed my stuff headed for the door. 

Before I walked out, I looked back seeing him stand in the hallway. "I thought allot of things about you Chris... One of them being that I loved you... But I never would have imagined thinking of you as a coward..."  I said scoffing before I walked out the door slamming it hard. I got into my car and drove around thinking what to do next because there was no way in hell, I was going back to Robert not after what he did.

******Chris pov******

It has been a month since I broke it off with Y/N... I didn't want to...I love her, and I miss her like crazy... Her face and words as she walked out the door still haunt me. Scott had called me an idiot for letting her go... Saying she was the best thing that ever happened to me. He was right but Robert had gotten into my head convincing me that it was for the best. Even ma was angry they all loved Y/N. 

I walked onto set greeting people left and right I saw Robert sitting in his chair I wanted to ask how Y/N was doing but as he saw me, he looked at me angry.  Wtf I thought to myself but before I could even get to him, I was called to make up. I was sitting in the chair when Robert walked in. "Can you lady's give us a minute...?" He said looking at me angry. They nodded and left the trailer. 

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