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Short background about me... I was adopted as a baby and raised by the most wonderful parents any kid could ever wish for. They never made it a secret that i was adopted... They only knew who my birth mother was because she never disclosed who my bio dad was. 

My birth mom had died only a few years after i was born due to an overdose, so she took it with her to her grave. My parents died about 6 years ago in a plane crash and after grieving for 2 years i had submitted my DNA to a big heritage DNA bank... So that if anyone ever came looking for me, they could find me and so it happened. 

Robert did a show called... find your roots... and trough them we came in contact. That was 3 years ago and even though we had great contact this was the first year i would be here for one of his famous party's. But that is when disaster struck and i tested positive for Covid and i had to be isolated in the guesthouse and probably miss the party. 

I was laying on the couch in the guesthouse feeling absolutely horrible not to mention i looked like it. There was a knock on the door and i walked to one of the windows as this was the signal we had agreed on so Robert could drop of stuff and check on me. I put on my mask and walk over surprised to see Robert was not alone. 

I groaned as i saw Chris Evans standing beside him. "Sweetheart i know you feel horrible, but Chris tested positive to... Would you mind having some company..." He said almost feeling horrible for asking. Great... I thought to myself. Just what you want...the most gorgeous man in the world to see you at your worst the first time you meet... 

"Uh yeah sure..." I said not wanting to come across as rude. "Okay... Well Chris has some groceries with him... So, feel better soon and i hope you both will be better in time for the party..." Robert said a little bit to cheerful for my liking. 

I sighed and opened the front door to let an almost guilty and apologetic looking Chris in. "Where can i put these..." He said holding up the bags with food. I pointed to the kitchen. "Sorry about this..." He said as he put stuff away. "It's okay..." I said not knowing what to do with myself standing there feeling absolutely lost and not knowing what to do or say as silence took over the room.  

I decided to show him where the ibuprofen was and other stuff to help with the symptoms. After that i showed him to the other bedroom before excusing myself and going back to bed not only because i was feeling really tired but to escape the awkwardness. 

It was the next day and i couldn't believe i slept for that long... I heard sounds coming from the kitchen and it reminded me i was no longer alone in the guesthouse. I walked out needing some food as my stomach was growling. "Morning..." Chris said smiling at me. 

Ugh why is he even looking this good sick it is not fair... I thought to myself. "I made breakfast if you want some..." He said pulling me out of my thoughts. "Thank you..." I said sitting down at the counter as he put a plate of food in front of me.

"So, you are the long-lost daughter..." He said smiling at me. I looked up from my breakfast. "Uh yeah i guess so..." I mumbled playing with the food on my plate. "That must have been a big shock..." He said still smiling at me. 

Him smiling at me felt weird yet somehow comforting. He made me nervous. "Yeah, it was something to get used to... Especially with him being known all over the world... But he and Susan made me always feel welcome..." I said giving him a small smile. "Yeah, they are really great people..." He said smiling back at me. 

We ate breakfast talking a bit and after i helped him clean up i retreated to my room. I wanted to read and because i wanted to be comfortable. An hour or so later there was a knock on my door. I couldn't help but smile as i told Chris to come in and he stood there pouting. 

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