Our girl ({3})

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Seb and Chris stand there kissing still not having noticed i was wide awake... I can't help but smirk... Oh, all the new ways we could have fun with this new development...  What i just watched was hot and absolutely unexpected... 

Seb is the first to notice me and i can see the panic in both their eyes after they turned around. I dont know why though because after the night we had they must know i am an open-minded person... Love is love and i love my boys love each other... "That was quite the show gentleman..." I say getting of the bed... 

They are both frozen in place and i smirk. "I dont know whether to applaud you both for that amazing performance or feel a little offended that i was not invited..." I say letting out a giggle and they both swallow hard... Chris is the first to move... "Sage..." He says with worry and panic in his voice. and i can still see fear in his eyes and i dont know why... 

"We didn't mean to exclude you... This does not mean we dont want you... We just..." Chris says now rambling and i walk over and put my finger on his mouth... "I think we maybe should have a serious conversation..." I whisper and they both nod... 

"But maybe clean that up first... I am going to pee..." I say smirking pointing at the cum dripping of the back of the couch ... They both turn bright red... But when i am peeing doubt sets in... What if they want to try a relationship together... What if i dont fit in this equation and this was just the final push they needed to be together to admit that they were more than friends... Had they ever been together before? I didn't think so... At least not from what i overheard... But maybe i heard wrong... Maybe i was barely awake at the beginning and had i misheard. My mind was spiraling and i know in order for my own sanity i need to ask... I need answers... I wash my hands and put on a robe... Somehow i need a barrier for this conversation as comfortable i was around them naked... I wanted something to cover myself.   

When i come back they are sitting on the couch and i force a smile, they both had thought the same but are only wearing their boxers... They still look a bit nervous and now i am nervous to...  I know i went into this thinking it was just a one-night thing... But now i dont know... The idea of this never happening again hurts... But again, it is better to know now then further down the line... I sigh and stand in front of them, time to rip the band aid off... "Okay i am going to ask and i want you to be honest... I won't be mad... No judgement or anything..." I say trying to keep my voice steady and they look up at me... "Do you two want to continue just the 2 of you... I would understand and won't hold it against you both, i will always think fondly of this night and never forget it... If this was needed for you two to admit feelings for each other i am happy i could help..." I say holding my breath wanting to give them the option. I would be sad but understanding. Better rip the band aid off now instead of later and get hurt even more...

Seb and Chris look at each other as if they were having a conversation without words before looking back at me... "No..." Seb says and Chris takes my hand pulling me into his lap... "We want you princess... We want each other... Right?" Chris says looking at Seb holding his breath... "This was not a one-time thing... right?" He asks Seb with a bit of panic in his voice... Seb smiles and shakes his head... "No... Not a one-time thing..." He says and i take a deep breath...

"It might not be a conventional relationship..." Seb whispers... "Maybe we should spend some time together to see were to go from here... How this is going to work..." Chris says and i sigh... 

"I have to leave in.... 4 hours..." I whisper looking at the time and i sigh burying myself into Chris as the thought of leaving them was paralyzing... "Dont go..." Chris whispered in my ear and i groan... "I have to... I made a commitment..." I say and kiss plants a kiss in my neck wrapping his arms around me... "When was the last time you took a vacation, some time to yourself to not work...?" Seb asks me and i sigh... "Oh i dont know... 8/9/10 years ago..." I say yawning and he looks at me shocked... "What...?  I am not as established as you two yet..." I say and they both shake their heads...

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