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I am at her favorite park and smile thinking about her running around, but a tear rolls down my cheek... It has been 2 weeks since i lost my sweet girl... My rock for 17 years

The words of my boyfriend running through my head... "It was just a dog... get over yourself...." So now i am sitting here on a bench her urn clutched in my hand. I thought if i scatter her ashes here i would find closure... But i can't bring myself to it... I can't seem to let her go just yet... Another tear runs down my cheek and i take a deep breath.

"Are you okay?" A voice says and i feel someone sitting down next to me. "I am fine..." I say not looking up afraid if i look up i start crying even harder. "Are you sure? Because you are crying..." The voice says. "Yeah, i am fine really..." I say but more tears are coming as this stranger kindly asks what my own boyfriend has never asked in the last few weeks. 

"It is just harder saying goodbye than i would have thought..." I whisper. All of a sudden, a brown and white dog appears nudging me. When i look at the dog I smile and all of a sudden it hits me... That is Dodger... Holy fuck that means... 

I look up and Chris smiles at me. "Hi..." Is all i say and i blush as i want the world to swallow me whole... Dodger nudges me again and i smile at him patting him and he wags his tail. "How long has it been that your dog passed..." Chris asks and i think he is letting out a little sigh of relief for me not flipping out... 

"2 weeks..." I mumble holding the urn a little bit tighter. "I am sorry that must be tough..." He says and i nod. "Yep, she was my everything for 17 years..." I say letting out a sigh myself. "Wow 17... That is a long time and yet it always seems to short..." He says and i nod...

"My boyfriend thinks i am ridiculous... for in his words... Still crying over a damn dog..." I say and i curse myself internally... Why did i say that...? He must think i am crazy talking to a total stranger about this... "Well maybe it is time for a new boyfriend than..." He says and i look at him again... The smile on his face is sincere... comforting even... "Yeah maybe..." I whisper. 

"I thought if i could scatter her ashes in her favorite park i could get closure somehow... But i can't bring myself to do so..." I whisper and he takes my hand catching me by surprise... "Well maybe you are just not ready for it..." He says squeezing my hand a bit. 

It sends tingles down my spine as he still holds my hand. "Dont let anyone rush you through your grief... It takes as long as it takes... Even if it is in his words a damn dog..." Chris says the last sentence he says with disgust on his face.  He stands up and smiles at me. "I have to go... it was nice meeting you...?" He says and i smile at him. "Y/N..." I say and he smiles.  "It was nice to meet you Y/N... Again, sorry for your loss... but dont let anyone tell you how to grief..." He says and again i nod... 

I give Dodger a kiss on his head before they both walk off. I look at the urn and i know he is right... So, after sitting there for just a few more minutes i walk back to my car and drive home...

**** 1 Year later****

I am sitting in a bar with my best friend Gina. We decided to get a drink and catch up.  We were a few drinks in when Gina nudged me and smirked. "Look who just walked in..." She said and when i looked i saw Chris walking in with Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie. I never told anyone about my interaction with Chris at the park that day... And maybe it was silly, but our little conversation really helped me... "God they are all so hot..." My best friend murmurs and i chuckle. 

"Be right back..." I said and i left my friend speechless walking over to the table Chris, Sebastian and Anthony were sitting on. I stood in front of their table and smiled looking at Chris. "Hi... I dont know if you remember me..." I said and Anthony and Sebastian smirked.... "Finally got someone knocked up... Evans..." Anthony said and Sebastian laughed.

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