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"Has anyone seen Dodger?" I ask walking around the party Scarlet has organized. She had invited a bunch of people to come to her place for a BBQ. 

I hadn't seen Scarlet for a long time and seeing as i had some time off between projects i accepted and drove to New York enjoying the little road trip with Dodger. I had booked myself an air bnb close to Scarlet so i wouldn't have to make the drive back and could have a drink.

Allot of my Marvel costars were here and also some other friends from Scarlet and Colin. Scarlet smiles and points out into the garden. "I think you lost him to Y/N." She says smiling. I look to where she is pointing and smirk as Dodger is sitting next to a woman who is cuddling him and just fawning over him, and Dodger is letting her as he is completely content with the attention... and i couldn't say i blame him... She was gorgeous... a smile to die for... and curvy... her cleavage on full display and i couldn't help but feel a bit jealous at the fact that she pulled Dodger to her chest while cuddling him... Wondering how it would feel like if she would do that to me... My face buried between does tits...

"Who is she...?" I ask Scarlet as i have never seen the woman before. Scarlet chuckles. "That is Y/N a college friend from Colin... Really sweet girl and one of the few friends from college, Colin is still in contact with..." She says smirking as we both watch her plant kisses all over Dodgers face. 

"She studied law at Harvard and is now Colins and mines lawyer... She is amazing she helped me with the whole Disney thing...." I nod as Scarlet keeps talking but i am not really listening anymore as i just keep looking at Y/N playing with Dodger. 

Scarlet gets called away and i just stand there watching Y/N. God she is beautiful... My mind wonders... I wonder how it would feel like being buried between those thighs eating her out making her moan my name over and over again... She wasn't like all the other woman i dated... She was a lot curvier than most, but she was beautiful... Her curves looked so soft and i thought about how it would feel cuddling her... I never cared about that sort of thing... I didn't care about size... but had to admit i never dated someone like her... Not that i was opposed to it... But it just never happened... 

Y/N looks up and our eyes meet, and she blushes. I smile and walk over. "I see you made a new friend Bubba..." I said patting Dodger head crouching down next to him. "Sorry i didn't mean to steal him away..." Y/N says in a sweet seductive tone of voice... I have to suppress a moan as i think about how it would sound if she would moan my name as i made her cum. "That is okay... Dodger and i like to make new friends..." I say smiling at her. She blushes and i admire her beautiful face getting even more beautiful because of it. 

"I am Chris..." I say and stick out my hand for her to shake. She takes it and i can feel sparks fly... "Y/N..." She says smiling. "So, you are a friend of Scarlet...?" I ask her. I know the answer to this but i want a conversation starter. "I am, but i know her through Colin... We went to the same college... and were in the same friend group..." She says smiling. 

"Do you want to get a drink..." I say standing up and holding out my hand for her to take. She blushes and nods and takes my hand. I pull her up a little too hard and she stumbles into me and i grin putting my hands on her hips holding her steady. "Careful now... if you wanted a hug all you had to do was ask..." I say grinning and she blushes again. "Sorry..." She mumbles looking down at her feet.

Fuck no... This was not the reaction i wanted i think scolding myself internally... We walk to the bar and after i ask her what she wants i order us both a beer. I smile as she takes a sip peeling at the label as if she is nervous... I smile as i look down and Dodger is glued at her side. "He really likes you..." I say pointing at Dodger and this makes her smile. "I really like him to. He is such a good boy..." She says patting Dodgers head again.

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