7 days of pain...

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Ava pov

It has been 7 days since the pictures appeared and i found out Chris had cheated on me. I was staying in the house we shared when i found out and i was broken... The house didnt feel like a home anymore. So, i grabbed some of my stuff and got myself a hotel room. 

I hadn't put on my phone on in 4 days because for 3 days the phone kept ringing so much that i couldn't take it anymore and turned it off. He was my world, i loved him with everything i had and i was excited for him to come home. I found out i was pregnant the week before the pictures appeared online. And instead of being happy and celebrating our pregnancy i was now alone wondering what to do.... How to move on... What to do...

There was a knock on the door pulling me out of my thoughts. Nobody knew i was here and with nobody i mean nobody.... Not my friends... Not my family and certainly not Chris or Chris's family. I didn't want to see anyone. 

"Miss Moore...?" a voice said, I didn't recognize the voice. "Miss Moore... I am officer Peters from the Boston police department... Can you please open the door..." The voice said. I was confused so i walked to the door hesitating for a second before opening it. I looked like a mess but i didn't care. 

"Hello... are you Ms. Moore?" He asked and i nodded. "I am Ms. Moore..." I said softly. The officer gave me a reassuring smile. "I am officer Peters, and this is officer Hale.... Can we come in for a moment?" He asked. 

I stepped aside, letting them in. "Ms. Moore... Are you okay... Do you need any assistance medical or otherwise..." Officer Hale said looking at me. I looked at him confused but shook my head... "Why are you here..." I asked letting out a sigh. "Ms. Moore you have been reported missing and we are worried about you... Your family and friends are worried about you..." Officer Peters said. 

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Well like you can see i am fine and not missing... I am sorry they waisted your time... You must have better things to do..." I said as sweet as possible trying to calm myself. Officer Peters nodded. 

"Your family and your boyfriend and his family... Would like you to contact them... They are very worried..." Officer Hale said and i scoffed. "I will contact them... When i am ready to contact them." I said fighting my emotions but my anger towards Chris kept me from breaking down in front of them.

"Do you mind Ms. Moore if we tell your family and boyfriends family that you are okay...?" Officer Peters asked, and I nodded. "As long as you dont tell them where i am.... I am fine with that..." I said looking at them seriously. "No Ms.... If you dont want that... We won't..." Officer Peters said giving me a reassuring smile. I thanked them and they left. I took a deep breath and turned on my phone and it went crazy. 

I sat down on the bed contemplating what to do... The thought of my family and Chris his family worried pained me... But i was not ready to see them all yet... I needed to figure out first what i was going to do and having them all but in.... Was not going to help. But i didn't want them to worry... So, i grabbed my phone. I opened my contacts and called my family. 

"Hey mam..." I said softly after she picked up. "OMG sweetheart... Where are you... We all are so worried..." She said rattling of the words. "Mam...." I said letting out a sigh, but she cut me off. "Please tell us where you are sweetheart... Please come home... Chris is a mess, and we are all so worried..." She said pleading with me and my heart sink. She must have seen the pictures and still she was around Chris... I felt betrayed all over again... and angry... So angry that she seemed more bothered by me leaving... Rather than why i had left...

"Chris is there...?" I said angry... "Mam why is he there...?" I said trying my best to keep my cool. "Because you disappeared sweetheart..." She said confused by my question. "Well, he should have thought about that before he cheated... I told him when we got together that i dont tolerate that and that if he cheated on me that was it..." I spat at her my anger starting to come to the surface. "Ava..." My mom started to say but now i cut her off... I didn't want to hear it.

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