How one night can change your life

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I was sitting in my office working on some contracts i had to approve. I sighed as i looked around before starting to read again. "Miss Y/L/N...?" I heard the voice of my assistant coming through the intercom. "Yes, Mary what is it..." I ask feeling a little annoyed. "There are some people here to see you..." She said and i could hear the confusion in her voice. I frowned. There was noting on the books as far as i knew... "Did i miss an appointment, Mary?" I asked her trough the intercom. "No Miss Y/L/N they just showed up...." I sighed. "Well tell them to make an appointment... I am busy..." I said to Mary and started with the contracts again. 

I was CEO of the family business... I had gotten here after my family had died in a car crash on their way to fundraiser. I was on the other side of the world when it happened and flew home immediately.  After i had buried my family i had a choice to make... Sell the family business or take over. Knowing my dad would turn in his grave if i would sell it... I stepped up and took over and not without success... Making the company more successful it ever was. 

I never had planned on working in the family business... I wanted to be a writer and i was... Under an alias that is... Not wanting people to know who the author was... to keep that part of my life out of this part of my life. I had studied at Harvard business school as part of an agreement with my father... I would study at Harvard business school and after that i could do whatever i want but at least i would have a degree. 

My brothers where groomed to take over and i was fine with that... But it all changed when a drunk driver hit the car head on... Killing my dad and 2 brothers on impact as he was going 80 miles an hour drunk out of his mind. Mom had died 3 weeks later in the hospital after losing the fight. 

I sighed making notes on the contract before getting up and walking out of my office to give the contracts to Mary. She would get them to the right persons to make the changes i wanted. As i walked into the lobby in front of my office where Mary was sitting at her reception desk, i looked to the right shocked to see 4 men sitting there. 

I ignored them as they stood up and i walked to Mary handing her the papers. "They wanted to wait..." She whispered blushing. I sighed telling her it was okay before turning towards the men who were standing there like 4 little boys... Like they were in trouble and waiting for the headmaster. "Gentlemen what can i do for you?" I said letting out a sigh.  

"Hi i am Robert...." He said sticking out his hand. "I know who you all are... No need for introductions... Now like i said what can i do for you..." I said cutting him off.  My eyes fell on the man standing in the back looking nervous at me. I looked back at Robert who was clearly in charge of this foursome. 

"Well, we wanted to talk with you about one of your books..." Robert said. I was caught off guard but corrected myself quickly. I looked at Mary. "Go take a break..." I said and she got up immediately and walked out. 

I waited until the door was closed behind her before continuing. I walked to my office signaling the men to follow me. I pointed to the couches in my office for them to sit when my phone rang. 

"Excuse me for a minute..." I said walking to my desk to answer my phone. "Miss Y/L/N we are ready to pitch the new ad campaign to you." The person on the other end of the line said. "Give me 15 minutes... I have a quick matter to handle and i will be right there..." I hung up the phone and turned to the 4 men. 

"Mr. Downey, Mr. Stan, Mr. Mackie and Mr. Evans you've heard you have 15 minutes so better make it quick...." I said very clear. They all looked at me nervously except for Evans he had a different look as his eyes roamed my body. I ignored it as i was used to it, working in a male dominated business it was nothing new. 

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