Late night

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I was sitting in my dressing room with my publisher Ann when there was a knock on the door. "Come in..." My publisher said and in walked one of the producers of the show. "Hello, there has been a slight change of plans... Jimmy has been tested positive for Covid and won't be here tonight obviously. We have someone to replace him though..." He says smiling.  

"Okay." Ann said and i nodded. "He wants to introduce himself if you dont mind..." The producer said. No of course not i said giving him a little smile. I was already nervous enough. I was here to promote my book, i hated doing these things but i had to it was part of my book deal.  

"Chris you can come in..." The producer yelled making me jump a little.  The man named Chris walked in and i groaned internally. No, no, no, no. no this is not happening i thought to myself it can't be him.... Anyone but him. "Hello Chris Evans..." He introduced himself stretching out his hand for me to shake. 

"Uhm yeah hi Y/N... Y/L/N..." I said shaking his hand feeling a jolt of electricity go through my body from where our hands touched. He smiled. "I am sorry I haven't read your book seeing it was short notice." He said. "It's okay I understand..." I said feeling a blush creep on my face. Thank God I thought to myself I couldn't look him in the eyes as he had read it. We talked for a few minutes, to my surprise he was really easy to talk to making me feel a little at ease. He excused himself going to prepare for the show.

"Well, this is going to be interesting..." Ann said smirking. "Oh shut up..." I said rolling my eyes. "You like him..." She teased. "I told you to shut up..." I said rolling my eyes again. "Omg, omg, omg...  He is the famous guy the main character is based on..." She said as she started to jump up and down. "What?! No of course not..." I lied. 

"Are you ever going to reveal who you had in mind when you wrote those raunchy pages..." She asked smirking. "Nope..." I said letting out a big sigh. Ever since I revealed in an interview that I always have a certain someone in mind writing those pages every interviewer would ask about it.

Oh God what if he asks... I thought to myself. This was going to be a disaster.... "10 minutes..." someone yelled knocking on the door making me jump as I was deep in my own thoughts. Someone came to pick me up taking me to the side where I would enter the studio.

I heard Chris introduce me.

"Our next guest is a world-famous writer her books are sold all over the world... And if I have to believe my sisters and brother quite the read... And a hot topic on their book club nights..." He said and i took a deep breath.

The audience laughed. "Please welcome Y/n Y/l/n!" He said and the doors opened, and I walked on feeling shaky. Chris hugged me and God did he smell great and there was that jolt of electricity again giving me shivers. He helped me step up the little stage and I waved at the crowd and the band before sitting down.

"Thank you for being here..." Chris said putting on his most charming smile. "Thank you for having me... and remind me to thank Jimmy for getting Covid..." I said smiling...  Wtf where did that come from, I thought to myself... Chris laughed and so did the crowd. "I will... As I have to thank him to..." He said smirking.  

The crowd laughed again. "No but in all seriousness... I hope he is doing okay and feels better soon..." I said smiling. "Of course..." Chris said agreeing with me before continuing his eyes never leaving mine. "So, it is safe to say that you have been busy during lock down... Since this is your second book that has come out within a year..." Chris said smiling. "Yeah, well since there was nothing else to do why not be productive..." I said smiling.

Chris Evans one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now