Our girl

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I take in a sharp breath... My heart is beating so fast i feel like it will jump out of my chest at any moment... My blood is racing through my veins the adrenaline pumping and i shiver... I shiver under the gaze of two sets of eyes... Two sets of gorgeous eyes with hungry looks in them. They look at me not saying a word, as if they both are thinking about how they will devour me. The look at me as i am standing in the middle of my suite... Still in the dress and heels i had picked out earlier... The dress that barely covered anything and the heels which made my ass pop...

I still dont exactly know how we ended up here, i was not drunk... At least not from the alcohol. If i was drunk it was purely on lust... The last few months have been fun. I was filming a movie. Chris and Seb where my costars and fun to hang out with we clicked from day one... We grew closer over the last 4 months but never in a million years i would have thought that we would end up in this hotel suite... The 3 of us... 

Earlier today we filmed the last scene and had decided we would go out to celebrate. Just the 3 of us... I got along with the others but always preferred the company of Chris and Seb... They treated me as equals instead of the new girl... Or so i thought now i started to wonder if there was more to it... Either way i didn't mind... My body is buzzing from excitement, excited for what was to come... Excited to do something so out of my comfort zone that my heart was beating a mile a minute. 

After months in the sweltering heat, wearing a suit that was so hot and tight that i could barely breath. I was happy i could finally wear something light and breezy... I had put on a sexy dress that left little to the imagination... I had said i would meet them at the club and when i had arrived they had already been there... I had walked down the stairs with their gaze on me as they immediately had noticed me... They were sitting in the VIP section and when i had walked up both men stood up greeting me with a hug and a kiss on the cheek their hands lingering a little longer on me than i was used to... Hugging them was not new. But this time it felt different. 

Hands rested a little lower on my back and the feeling of their fingers on my naked back made me shiver as they brushed my skin... It set my body on fire... They both looked handsome and smelled delicious... I had ordered myself a drink and had ignored the tension that i managed to step between... We had toasted on a job well done and i felt a bit sad that my time with them was coming to an end. Of course, there would be the press tour but that was still months away... This would be the last night before we each would go a different way... 

I had a new project lined up. Seb and Chris were going home to spend some time with family. They had worked a lot longer than me and could afford it. I was still in the stage of taking work when i could... I was picky but made sure i worked and worked trying to establish myself... 

The night had been filled with tension and flirting... After a few drinks i always would become flirty... Sitting between them was torture... Their little touches... When they would whisper in my ear... And then they got serious... It was like they had needed some time to gather the courage, maybe even some liquid courage... 

It came to this... Each of them had fallen for me. They both wanted to ask me out. But it was up to me... I had to make a choice... I had been stunned. How was i supposed to choose between them. I had joked that there was no way i could choose... Which was kind of the truth... But feeling a bit bold due to the few drinks i had i asked if we could come to a compromise... 

They both had looked at me a little hesitant but eventually both of them nodded. I took my shot slammed it back before leaning in and kissing Chris... He had frozen at first but quickly regained control his hand gliding in my hair as he deepened the kiss making me melt into him... I had put my hand on his chest grabbing his shirt bunching it up in my fist... When we broke apart i felt dizzy almost high as the kiss was passionate, hungry and absolutely making me want more... I turned to Seb whose eyes had gone dark... I had given him my most charming smile before attaching my lips with his... With his hand on my hip his fingers digging in my flesh we had kissed until we were both out of breath... His kiss was sweeter less hungry but still it left me feeling dazed...

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