I am not the girl you left anymore.

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"Stark! Video call for you! It sounded important...!" The lieutenant yells at me as i am running laps around the base... I was just about to start my second lap ignoring the scorching heat pushing myself to the limit... I was here now for 4 months... I could not take life back at home anymore...

Ever since Steve had left to go back in time, I had been so angry... He just left me now over 16 months ago... He promised he would not, he promised me he would be right back, he promised me the world... But that never happened... Bruce, Sam and Bucky were convinced something must have gone wrong, trying to reassure me... But i just knew... Ever since the decision had been made that he was going to be the one to go back, i knew... I knew because he had seen her... He had seen her when he went back the first time... And he had been different ever since. 

I had looked at them and had forced myself to smile as they looked at me with pity... "No... Something has gone right..." Was all i had said before walking away to break down at home... Alone... When he never came back i knew... I knew he had gone back to her... He never really loved me... I was just someone to keep his dick warm while he longed for his one true love... I should have known... I should have known that as soon as he got the chance, he would drop everything for her... Maybe i was angry with myself for falling so hard. 

Everywhere i looked reminded me of Steve... Of the fool i had been, thinking he loved me.... So, after being angry for a year, i made a drastic decision... One that people were floored by...  One that my dad hated me for... It had been a tough year... Steve had left me vulnerable... Being the daughter of Tony Stark and the former lover of Captain America had painted a target on my back... It had been hell, for 2 months i lived in the hell that Hydra created trying to get back to their former glory... That is why my dad did not get why i had made the decision to joint Task Force 141... He didn't get why i volunteered to go to a war zone... What he didn't understand was that i rather focus on an actual warzone than the warzone in my head...

Yes... In order to keep my sanity i joined the military... In particular Task force 141... After we got everyone back from the blip some parts of the world had gone back to their war state... Task force 141 had undergone a major update... So much so that men who used to fight against each other now worked together... It had been difficult to get them to work together but under the leadership of Captain John Price they became a tight knit team... A force to be reckoned with. 

They had been not very welcoming to me at first... My last name and reputation not helping... I was looked at as the spoiled princess acting out against daddy by being here... But after a training session were i beat 2 of the toughest members that quickly turned around... I guess being experimented on by Hydra and being turned into a super soldier had its advantages... They quickly realized i could handle myself and now i was just one of the boys... Well, sort off...

I even found some form of love again, or maybe it was lust... Even if it was purely physical it was just what i needed... Simon -Ghost- Riley... That was his name... 6-foot 2... Build like a bulldozer... A man of few words... Some might call him cold... I knew better, inside that big strong body was a little heart... Underneath that cold facade was a man who knew how to break through the wall i had built around me... He would never admit it though... He didn't have to... All i needed from him was his body... Just like all he wanted from me was mine... We had this understanding... We found a way to help each other... To find a way to deal with the stress of missions and deal with our urges... And God did i love it when he gave it to me... In those moments all the pain would disappear and was replaced by pleasure... 

I walk into mission center and greet König who was looking over a few files for our upcoming mission... I nod to Ghost who had called me inside for this call... I dont know of anyone knew about the arrangement we had. It was kind of an unspoken rule... Outside of our rooms it would be purely professional... He was my lieutenant after all... He points to one of the screens and i nod again thanking him... 

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