She is pregnant...

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"She is pregnant..." Chris whispers looking at the floor guilt flooding his face. My heart sank as he says the words. After pictures of Chris and his ex-girlfriend appeared having dinner i had a bad feeling. He said he didn't cheat but she had called him to have dinner where she told him she was 4 months pregnant. I heard the words, but it didn't come through all i could think she was pregnant.... 

2 months after they broke up Chris and i got together. I know it is ridiculous but i fell in love hard. I thought Chris was the one... but now i didn't know anymore. I know him... He wants to do what is best for the baby so i am just waiting for him to say it, but it doesn't come. 

I let out a sigh... "Just say it Chris...." I say as tears start to form in my eyes. He looks at me confused. "Just say you want to make it work with her for the baby's sake..." I say fighting my tears as it feels like my heart is being ripped out of my chest. 

He looks at me with pain in his eyes shaking his head. "Y/N please understand..." He whispers. "Oh, i understand Chris.... But it doesn't make it hurt less...." I say trying to keep it together. He takes a step closer to me but i step away. "Please Y/N..." He says now also tears in his eyes as he grabs my hand. I pull my hand back not wanting him to touch me. 

"Please Y/N just let me hold you... Please... I need to hold you one last time." He says pleading with me. "No ... i can't Chris... Please dont...I know it is ridiculous to be this upset... We have only been together for 2 months... But i really thought you were the one... But i guess it wasn't meant to be..." I say with tears now streaming down my face.  

"Please Y/N... I dont want to lose you..." He says and I look at him in shock..."How did you see this going Chris?!" I say now annoyed. "You play house with her and your kid... and me as the side piece?  I may have fallen hard for you....  And this breaks my heart but i still have my dignity..." I say wiping away my tears.

I grab my coat, purse and keys. I give Dodger a kiss on his head and stand back up. "Goodbye Chris... I hope everything works out for you..." I whisper... He just stands there as i walk out and to my car. I drive home and when i close the door behind me i break down crying and sobbing. 

The news of Chris and his ex was everywhere... The fact that she was pregnant with his baby... the golden child of America front page news. You couldn't turn on a TV or computer of they were there. For that reason alone, I had not watched TV... I hadn't been online just wanting to shut the world out. 

There was a knock on my door but i didn't open it not wanting anyone around. A few moments later i heard the door open and i groaned as i knew my best friend had a key and was coming to drag me out. "No Kim... I dont want to go out." I say as i see her standing in the doorway of my bedroom. She walked over and grabbed the sheets pulling them off of me. "Okay pity party is over..." She says. "Go shower... put on something hot and we are going out drinking and dancing..." She says standing there with her hands on her hips. "Do i have to..." I whined. "Yes, you have to..." She said rolling her eyes. 

I dragged myself out of bed and got into the shower, i shaved my whole body and scrubbed everything. If i had to go out at least i was going to look good. I was standing in front of the mirror doing my make up. I had put on a little black dress with a plunging neckline and open back the dress ended just below my thighs making bending over a no no. "Damn girl..." Kim said smirking as she walked in having changed herself. "You dont look so bad yourself..." I say as i see her standing there in a little red number. 

We leave my house in an Uber knowing we will drink so not wanting to drive. We arrive at the bar and walk in straight to the bar and ordering a round of drinks and shots. We are having fun and i can feel my buzz kicking in. "I am going to dance..." I say to Kim, and she nods as she is talking to some guy. 

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