Married on paper.

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Chris pov...

I am pacing up and down in my office... I am trying to calm myself... I really am trying to keep my sanity... I had gone to city hall to get the paperwork for my marriage license... To say it was a disaster was an understatement... I am still married... I have been married on paper for 9 years...

I run my hand down my face as i am just in shock... How am i going to tell my current fiancée that i am still married... How am i going to tell Genevieve that i am still married and have to get divorced before i can marry her... How did this happen.  I groan... This is not good... We were already stressed enough. I sigh and groan again... All sorts of things were running through my mind. 

I had gotten married in Vegas 9 years ago... And although it was a mistake i still remember it as if it was yesterday.  We were both drunk out of our minds and gotten swept up in the fast-intoxicating atmosphere that was Vegas.... Her name was Mya... She was beautiful, sweet, funny, sexy, adventurous and a little dangerous... But i loved her... I loved her so much... Dont get me wrong, i love Genevieve... I really do... She is perfect in every way... She wants what i want... But the love i had for Mya was deeper... We had this connection on a deeper level. We just needed one look to know what we wanted or needed... 

She was and maybe still is the love of my life... Our relationship was an all-consuming one. Maybe not the healthiest relationship but God i loved her... Part of me still does even though i know we are not good together... I kept telling myself that we were not good together that it would never work... 

We wanted different things in live, but we found that out to late... She had gone with me to Vegas as i was doing a promotional thing there... We had gotten so drunk... We just got caught up in the love we had for each other... Gotten married by Elvis... Followed by our last night of passion... The morning was a rough wakeup call... As it sunk in that we had gotten married we started to talk... Stupidly we had never talked about marriage or our future goals... We had really tried to find common ground the day after but soon found out that we really wanted different things... 

Where i wanted a family, she was not sure if she even wanted kids... Now or in the future... It had ended in arguing and i had to admit i had not been very nice... A real asshole... I said some things i shouldn't have... Some really sexist and vile things... It had ended with me storming out leaving her there in our hotel room... In Las Vegas... I was not proud of it... I just left her behind in a strange city... That was the last time i had seen her... She had sent me annulment papers a few days later. I had tried to contact her but to no avail. It had broken me... It was like she had disappeared... It took me almost a year before i moved on. I just kept a little bit of hope i would see her again... I had called everyone who knew her but they either told me to go to hell or that they have not heard from her... She just disappeared in thin air...

I finally gave up. But it took me a long time before i seriously dated again... Genevieve was the first one after a long line of lose flings. Genevieve wants what i want. A family. She is sweet, caring and is going to be a great mother... She ticks every box and people love her... I love her. I really do... But she is no Mya... 

I scoff and shake my head. I can't be thinking like this... I am getting married to Genevieve and i have to make a plan... What am i going to do... I need to find out how this happened first and for most. Mya had sent me the papers signed and all... I think i had signed them and given them to my lawyer to file... How the fuck did this happen? I sigh and run my hands through my hair... 

"Snap out of it, Chris... Just call your damn lawyer..." I mumble to myself and sit down behind my desk... Before i can even call there is a knock on the door... "Chrissy..." Genevieve chirps walking in. I look up and force myself to smile... "Hello Sweetie..." I say trying to keep my emotions in check... "I need to show you what i got..." She says holding up a bag before sitting in my lap... "Let me guess... New clothes..." I say and she nods... "I could not resist and went shopping..." She giggles and i take a deep breath. What is happening to me... Normally i loved to hear her giggle and to see her smile... Why did it annoy me so much now... 

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