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I walked into the lobby of my building, exhausted from the workday. I hated my work absolutely hated it, but my dad would turn in his grave if i sold the family business that was in our family for generations. I groaned as i looked at the elevator seeing 3 men standing there waiting for the elevator. Great just what i need i thought to myself but as the doors opened i got in anyway just ignoring them. 

They pushed the button of the last floor and looked at me. "Penthouse please..." I said in an annoyed tone as i looked at them finally acknowledging them.  "What now did the hubby not give you enough spending money princess?" One of them said looking at my shopping bags. I rolled my eyes but kept quiet.

After work i had picked up a dress i had ordered for a fundraiser i was invited to, since it was being black tie... I had to wear a gown and i was not happy. I ignored the comment just looking at my phone again, responding to some emails not having the energy to respond to his remark. 

"Leave her alone..." One of them said and they stopped talking. The elevator stopped and they got off. One of them said goodbye and i said just a stern goodbye back before the doors closed. I put my phone away and sighed. 

I shook my head getting my thoughts out of my head. Even though the men where annoying i wasn't blind they were really handsome, but they knew it... Woman falling at their feet everywhere they went... Of course, i had recognized the men... Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan and the most gorgeous off all Chris Evans. 

The elevator arrived at my floor and i got out. Walking through my front door i dropped everything on the couch being greeted by my best friend and sort of assistant Lance. "Rough day?" He asked as he was cooking us dinner. "You have no idea..." I said letting myself fall on the couch kicking of my heels. 

"We got new neighbors..." He said changing the conversation knowing i wasn't ready to talk about my day. I nodded. "I know i just met them..." I said letting out a sigh. "So... What do you think..." He smirked.  I shrugged my shoulders. "They are handsome... I will give you that... It's a shame that they start talking after that..." I said letting out a sigh and Lance laughed. 

"Well, it is nice to have some eye candy in the building..." Lance said giving me a plate of food. "I mean i love living here... But we are in senior central..." He said smirking. I chuckled shaking my head. "You only say that because you have a crush on Sebastian Stan..." I say smirking. He groaned. "The things i would let that man do to me..." He said throwing his head back and i laughed. 

We ate and watched a movie. "Want to tell me what is bothering you?" Lance said halfway through the movie. "Just work stuff... You know boring old men in suits... Thinking they can overrule me... Forgetting who is in charge..." I said letting out an annoyed sigh. Lance shook his head. "You would think after that after 5 years of you being in charge... The business doing better than ever... They would finally except you are in charge..." Lance mumbled. "They will never... They still see me as daddy's little girl." I said scoffing. 

After we watched the movie i went to bed needing my energy for the long day tomorrow. I groaned thinking about the fundraiser. I loved the cause but i hated going to these events it being filled with people who think their gods because they donate a little bit of their fortune to help others. I chuckled at my own thoughts as i myself am not being any better.

The next day when I came home from work, Lance and I ate really quick, and he helped me to get ready for the fundraiser. The dress I bought was a black sparkling gown with an open back and my boobs looked amazing... Maybe it was a bit risqué for a fundraiser but i felt good in it so i didn't care. Lance smirked. 

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