Oh hell no...Nope

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"Where are we going?" I asked Jack and Kim. I was confused when they had called telling me they had a surprise for me and to dress nice but casually. "It is a surprise..." Kim said smiling and looking at Jack. She was grinning and not a friendly one. "We are not going to tell you Y/N..." Jack said and I groan... "You guys know i hate surprises..." I said letting out a sigh. "Dont worry Y/N.... You are going to love this one." Jack said and Kim rolled her eyes.

We drive for a while until we pull up to a hotel leaving me even more confused. As we get out the car a woman greets us and takes us up into a room and i can't help but have a weird feeling like i have seen her before and as i looked around the panic started to set in. There where posters with Christopher's Haven plastered around the room. Photographers and what looked to me like press and i looked at Kim and Jack who were looking at me with a big grin. "What is going on..." I asked this time more forceful. 

They turned to me with a serious look on their faces. "Okay... So dont get mad... Jack and i entered you into a contest....and you won..." Kim said smirking. I looked at him as it started to dawn on me what contest. "Noooo..." i say in a whiny voice. "Please dont tell me that that what i think is going to happen is going to happen..." I say with shock on my face. They both nodded a big smile on their faces. "You have to be fucking kidding me..." I say as i can feel the panic start to rise. "Oh, come on dont be a baby..." Kim said rolling her eyes. "We are going to meet Chris Evans just be normal for once and dont cause drama..." She said annoyed.

Before i can say anything more the door opens and in walks the woman who met us at the entrance. following her are some more people and last to enter the room is Chris Evans. I look at Jack and Kim as they smile. The group of people walk up to me but before they reach me i look at Jack and Kim. 

I know they meant well but i can feel the panic inside me rise. I look at the group and my eyes meet Chris's. I shake my head and look at Kim and Jack. "Oh hell no.... Nope not doing this..." I murmur... I can feel my breathing getting harder and i know it is pathetic, but this man haunts my dreams... I fantasized about him and i can't look him in the eyes... Let alone talk to him. 

So, i do what i always had said i would do if i ever would find me in this position. I turned around and walked out... The last thing i hear is Jack and Kim yelling after me but i keep walking as i can feel a panic attack coming on. I need to get out of here i need air. I finally find my way out and lean against the side of the building sliding down as i can feel tears coming up. I can't believe they would put me in this position especially after i told them this would happen. Was i a fan sure... Did i find him attractive...absolutely... But did i ever wanted to meet him... No i was perfectly fine admiring him from afar in my own little bubble with the occasional daydreaming.

Chris pov

We are waiting backstage of the meet and greet and i take a deep breath reminding myself why i am doing this again, telling myself it is just a few hours of my time and the winners have been screened by my team so hopefully not to weird. When they showed me a photo of the winner i actually thought she was kind of cute. My manager walks in and smiles. "They are here and waiting so when you are ready..." She said and I took a deep breath. "Well let's get this show on the road." I said letting out a sigh. "If it is any helps... She seems sweet..." My manager told me. I gave her a small smile as we made our way to the meet and greet. 

We walked towards the event while my manager briefed me about the persons i was about to meet. The doors open and we walk in where 3 people are waiting 2 of them smiling the other looks in shock... I recognize her from the pictures my manager showed me... But damn the pictures didn't do her justice. 

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