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I walked down the hallway trying to find a way out of the building as i could feel an anxiety attack coming on. I just need some fresh air i thought as it was getting harder to breath. "Just breath Chris just breath..." I kept mumbling to myself. I finally found and emergency exit and stumbled out the door, as i walked out i crashed into someone.

"Sorry..." I mumbled and leaned against the wall trying to catch my breath. I hadn't had a panic attack in years, but this press tour was getting to me.

I sank down putting my head in my hands. Trying to calm myself down. "Shhhhh..." I said to myself "shhhh."

"Are you okay...?" I heard a voice say. I didn't respond my breathing was getting irregular and I could feel chest getting tight.

I felt two hands on my knees, and a figure crouched down in front of me. "Listen to my voice..." The figure said. As it began to sing.

Welcome to Wonderland, we've got it all
Potions and pastries that make you grow tall
Forests and cottages, castles and cards that can talk

Welcome to Wonderland, look where you're at
Maddest of hatters, the Cheshire Cat
Magical cabins and lovely white rabbits with clocks

Dancing through a dream underneath the stars
Laughing 'til the morning comes
Everyone that leaves has a heavy heart
Oh, Wonderland I love

Welcome to Wonderland, I'll be your guide
Holding your hand under sapphire skies
Let's go exploring or we could just go for a walk

The Voice was sweet and  warm I could feel my breathing starting to go back to normal. I looked up and I looked in the eyes of the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Her beautiful green eyes looking back at me as she kept on singing in a soft tone

Welcome to Wonderland, where should we go
There's a tea party along down the road
Make an appearance and maybe they'll sing us a song

Dancing through a dream underneath the stars
Laughing 'til the morning comes
Everyone that leaves has a heavy heart
Oh, Wonderland I love

Nothing around here is quite as it seems
Not sure if anything's real or a dream
And the only thing sure from the start
Is the song that's inside of your heart
Don't let it leave

If this was a dream, then at least I've got
Memories for when morning comes
Now that I must leave with a heavy heart
Oh, Wonderland I love

She stopped singing and looked at me giving me a little smile. "Feeling better...?" She asked. I wanted to say something... but no words were coming through, so I just nodded. She stood up and held out her hand for me to take. She pulled me up and I was just about to say something when Amber the actress I was doing the press tour with appeared.

"There you are..." She said and I turned to her looking annoyed.

Amber was the type of girl that always got what she wanted and right now she wanted me. She tried everything to get closer to me even when I said I wasn't interested. She kept pushing and forcing herself into every aspect of my life. Pushing me... and pushing me... So, my anxiety ‎came back. It is not that Amber wasn't beautiful she is... but her personality was shitty and now that I was getting older... I didn't have the stomach for that kind of people anymore. I wanted something serious and with perspective towards the future.

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