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Y/N pov

"Chris... Are you going to tell me what is going on?" I asked him, letting out a sigh. "Ever since you got home you have been distant.... I tell you I have a surprise for you and all you can say is not now.... You don't come to bed with me and hardly have said anything to me..." I said looking at him worried.

Chris sighed "Can you please stop bugging me... I am just under allot of stress from work and you bugging me isn't helping...." He yelled slamming his fist on his desk.

I wince and look at him in shock, never has he spoken to me like this. But since he got home 3 days ago, he has been cold and distant. I scoff feeling myself getting angry. "Fine... I won't 'BUG' you anymore..." I said throwing a box on the chair in his office and walk out. Looking around the kitchen I feel the tears coming. I need to get out of here I think to myself. I walk to the bedroom put some stuff in a bag and walk to the front door I grab my keys call over Jojo and put him on the leash and we get in my car driving off thinking about what to do next.

Chris pov

I sigh as Y/N walks out of my office but not before throwing a box on the chair. "Shit..." I say to myself knowing I was totally out of line. I was just stressed as the studio was pressuring me to make changes to the script so many changes that it was nothing like the original anymore. I should not have taken it out on Y/N and just told her what was going on, but I was stuck in my head trying to get it done.

I heard the front door open and close, and a car drive off. Shit, I thought to myself again. My eyes fell on the box on the chair, the surprise Y/N told me about 3 days ago... But I was too caught up in my own world to even give her the time of day to give me my surprise.

I walk to the box picking it up, it is light, and I shake it. Nothing indicates what is inside. I take a deep breath and open the box. I push away the paper and pull out a shirt. I hold it in front of me and my heart sinks. It is a shirt for me to wear with the text NR 1 dad on it. I look in the box again seeing a positive pregnancy test. "FUCK...!" I yell punching the wall.

I pull out my phone to call Y/N, but I goes straight to voicemail.  Shit... How could I be so stupid, the moment I walked through the door she was smiling holding the box and me being an asshole caught up in my own world told her not now. 

I start to think at the last few days of filming and when I would call her at night, she was saying things that didn't make sense to me then... but now... Now I know she was dropping hints. It must have been killing her. Y/N couldn't keep a secret to save her life. Not because she couldn't but because most of the time, she was so excited that she wanted to yell it from the rooftops. I loved this about her, she always wanted to make people smile and happy.

It was the reason I fell in love with her we met in the hospital on an event from Christopher's haven. Y/N works with therapy dogs training them and then going by the children's hospitals to visit the sick kids. I fell for her hard... She is such a sweet and kind soul. Making me even more of a dick.

As I walk around the house, I notice Jojo is missing... She probably went with him to the dog park I think to myself. I stretch out and try to call her again after ringing 2 times I get declined going to voicemail again. 

Shit she is really mad she never declines my calls. Once I face timed her and found out she was at work with Jojo. She still answered even though she didn't like being interrupted at work. My sort of punishment was talking to the kids, but I didn't mind she told me I made there day. A dog and captain America what more did a kid want... She told me.

I walk to the bedroom to get my charger since the battery of my phone is almost empty. I grab the charger and as I turn around, I see the light in the closet is on. I walk in and my heart sinks as I see drawers open, and her overnight bag gone.

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