Baby fever

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After a drunken night with all the emotions enhanced by alcohol... I told Chris i was starting ivf to have a baby by myself. I was sick and tired waiting for a man to sweep me off my feet and make me a mother.

Chris in his own drunken state loved the idea and offered to be my donor.... We were so drunk, but the next day had a sober conversation discussing it at length. Chris said he wanted to be a father to and after going over every minor detail we decided to go for it. Knowing that our baby would be loved and welcomed with open arms.

The truth is I loved Chris as long I can remember but he doesn't love me... At least not the way I love him... We are friends and when he is in town always together... But then he leaves for his next thing and finds the next bimbo... So, I had to learn to live with the fact it would never be... He doesn't see me like this and never will but at least he can give me something I want even more than him... A baby. I know it might not be smart... but i had baby fever and was sick and tired of waiting. 

So here we are... Sitting in the doctor's office a few weeks after they planted a fertilized egg inside of me. You could ask why not go the natural way and just sleep with guy have some fun with it... But I didn't want my emotions clouded and ruin the friendship... I rather had him in my life as a friend then not at all.

"Congratulations..." The doctor says smiling. "REALLY?" I say with tears in my eyes. Chris grabs my hand giving it a little squeeze I look at him and he is smiling to. "We are having a baby..." I say smiling at him through my tears. 

It's a few weeks later Chris has been away filming. He didn't like it but i told him it would be fine. I woke up in the middle of the night sharp pains in my stomach and as i look down i see the bed is covered in blood. I call 911 in a panic and after that i call Chris, but his phone goes straight to voicemail. 

I somehow manage to open the door for the paramedics, and they take me to the hospital where they tell me i lost the baby. I try to call Chris but again voicemail. I know he is probably on set and not allowed to have his phone so i call his manager telling him i am in the hospital and that Chris has to call me back immediately. 

I start to cry after i hung up and lay back down in the bed in tears. I lost our baby.... I cry myself to sleep exhausted and when i wake up i see Chris sitting at the side of my bed. He looks up at me and looks like crap. "Your here..." I whisper in shock. 

"Of course, i am here sweetheart...." He whispers taking my hand. I look at him and it hits me again... I lost our baby. 

"I lost our baby..."  I whisper and start to cry. "I am so sorry..." I say between sobs. "I am so sorry...." I say over and over again. He gets up the bed and pulls me in his arms. "Shhhh sweetheart... It is not your fault sweetheart..." He says rubbing my back and comforting me. 

When i was allowed to leave the hospital, Chris took me home. He wanted to stay but i knew he had to go back to filming and said i would be fine and to go work. He promised to call every day and that we would discuss how to proceed very soon. I closed the door behind him as he left locked the door closed the curtains and crawled into bed crying myself to sleep again. 

It's been 2 weeks, i have not left my place. I am in a dark spiral and i dont care... I lost the only thing i really wanted and it hurts... It hurts so much that i want to rip my heart out of my chest. Chris has been calling but i dont answer.... I dont answer anyone. Lisa has stopped by so did Scott but i never let them in. My friends Maggie and Nicole have tried but i didn't want to see anyone. 

All of a sudden i hear my front door open but i dont move i just stay in bed because i know there is only one person with a key. I hear the bedroom door open and i hide under the blanket. "Go away Chris... I dont want to see anyone..." I whisper. 

"I know... because i called you never answered.... I asked ma and Scott to check up on you and you didn't let them in... The same with Maggie and Nicole...." He says letting out a sigh. I feel the bed dip as he sits down, and he pulls down the blanket. 

"Come on sweetheart it is time to get up...." He whispers caressing my cheek. "I dont want to Chris it hurts... It hurts so much...." I whisper. "I know sweetheart..." He says stroking my hair. All of a sudden, he lifts me up and walks me to the bathroom. He sets me down into the shower and leaves telling me to take a shower.  I try to protest but he looks at me and tells me to do as he says. 

I feel numb as i take a shower. When i walk out of the bathroom and get dressed i see the bed has been changed. I walk into the kitchen where Chris is sitting at the counter. When he sees me, he stands up and pulls me into a hug and i break down not being able to hold it in anymore. 

"Make it stop Chris..." I beg him looking up at him as he holds me tight. "Please make it stop... I can only feel the hurt.... I dont know how to make it stop..." I say our faces are close our lips hovering over each other and he does what i thought he would never do... he kisses me. 

The kiss is sweet and tender and when we pull apart, he looks at me. Without saying a word i pull him in for another kiss this time passionate and full of want and lust. He pulls me even closer and let my hands glide under his shirt feeling his muscles under my fingers. He walks us to the bedroom, and we fall on the bed. 

"Are you sure..." He says as he looks down at me. "I am sure..." I say knowing he needs me to say it. He pulls my shirt over my head and groans. "God you are so beautiful..." He hums. 

I pull at his shirt wanting to feel his skin on mine and he takes it of throwing it aside. His hands are all over my body touching and caressing every inch of me his lips following where his hands have just been. 

My hands glide over his cock who is still in his pants earning a growl from him and he sits up and pulls down my pants. "I need you Chris..." I moan and after he takes of his pants, he aligns himself with me and thrusts into me. Our bodies flushed together moving in perfect sink. 

"God sweetheart you're so tight..." He growls in my ear. "God, you feel so good... Better than i ever imagined..." I groan and claw at his back. "God Chris... You feel so good inside of me stretching me...." I moan. He picks up his pace and kisses me again. "God Y/N i am not going to last long sweetheart..." He groans, and he starts rubbing my clit my orgasm builds and builds and i can feel him twitch inside of me. I scream his name as his hot cum fills me up sending me over the edge.

We lay there in the afterglow of our orgasms, and he kisses me again. "I love you Y/N... I can't deny it anymore...." He whispers before kissing me again. "You do...?" I ask shocked. 

"I do Y/N so much..." He whispers smiling at me with a little blush on his cheeks. I pull him down in a kiss again. "I love you to Chris so much always have..." We both chuckle and he pulls out of me and he lays next to me on his back pulling me into him. "What now...?" i ask. He looks at me and kisses me again. "Y/N will you be mine..." He whispers. I smile at him... "Chris i have always been yours...." I whisper. "Sorry that it took me so long to figure out..." He whispers but i shut him up by kissing him again.  

5 years later

I am laying on the couch a plate with pieces of fruit balancing on my belly. I hear the front door open and look at my husband and our 4-year-old boy and smile. "Did you guys have fun...?" I ask smiling as Chris puts our son down on the couch. 

"Yes mommy..." Our son says smiling and Chris sits down next to me taking the plate of my belly replacing it with his hands rubbing my big belly. I am pregnant with our twin girls for 7 months and i couldn't be happier.  

"I was eating that..." I say smirking at Chris, and he chuckles getting a piece of the plate feeding it to me. "Can i go play daddy..." our son asks. "Yes, buddy go play..." He says smiling.  

After we had sex and confessed our love for each other... We found out i was pregnant a few weeks later. We were over the moon and 9 months later our beautiful boy was born. We got married a year later and i couldn't be happier i had the man of my dreams a beautiful healthy boy and now twin girls on the way. Life was good.

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