Kiara Stark

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"Oh god Steve... Yes, dont stop... Thats the spot..." I moan slamming the table with my flat hand as i am bend over it in our steak out spot while he is fucking me hard from behind... He is putting all his frustration and anger into fucking me... "Captain... You are to address me as Captain..." He growls and i smirk... "Steve..." I moan and he slaps my ass and i let out a little yelp with a smirk on my face because there is no way i am calling him captain... Not even now... I will not give him that satisfaction even if it ruins me...

We both had protested when Fury assigned us to this mission as we couldn't stand each other... I thought he was pompous and out of touch with reality stuck in the 40's and he thought i was some brat that only had gotten here because of my dad Tony... 

He thought i was some sort of spoiled princess and maybe i am but i also worked hard to get were i am now...I had used an alias when i started my training to not get associated with my dad... I wanted to get there on my own... It pissed me off that he just dismissed all of my hard work just because of who my dad was... It got to a head when we had an argument yet again and as i am bend over this table i dont even know what the argument was about anymore... I just remember a lot of screaming and all of a sudden, his lips on mine and him pushing me up against the wall... 

I had pushed him off slapping him in the face before slamming my lips on his again and that is when he had dragged me to the table and bend me over it pulling my pants down just enough for him to have his way with me... He slapped my ass before slamming into me making me scream out as i he was painfully stretching me... But fuck it felt good to be this full... He showed no mercy... Not letting me get adjusted to him as he just started to fuck me hard...

"You're... driving... me... fucking... crazy... with... that... bratty... mouth... of... yours... princess..." He said word for word between each thrust... "Dont call me princess...  Steve..." I growled pushing back on him making him growl and he put his hands on my hips to stop me from doing so... He was a control freak everything had to be going his way... Even now that he was fucking me it has to go his way... I suddenly remember what the argument was about and start to push harder back on him his fingers digging deeper into my flesh as he tried to stop me...

He had made a comment about not believing he got stuck with the entitled princess onto which i had said that at least i got here on my own merit... Not by letting some scientist pump me full of some experimental drugs and that maybe he could have asked for them to put manners into him as well... To which he had reacted with that i better show him some respect as he was the one in charge... I had laughed telling him that if he wanted my respect, he had to earn it because just the fact that he had been frozen in time and knew how to throw a frisbee was not enough to get my respect... We were both breathing heavy not backing down until he kissed me... I hate to admit it but fuck it felt good... Just like him fucking me right now... 

No one could ever know... Especially my dad who was not happy that i was paired up with Steve in the first place... But Fury was sick of us always arguing and said that maybe this would help... 

Dad is protective and only had allowed me to join the team under some strict rules... No dating one of them... No fooling around with one of them... And a weekly dinner just the two of us...

He loved the fact me and Steve went head-to-head all the time as it was entertainment for him... Always yelling... "Definitely a Stark... That's my daughter..." Cheering me on...  This was pissing Steve off even more and i loved to frustrate him... If only he was not this goddamn handsome i could just let it go but to see him all frustrated and heated was fucking hot and fun because it was so easy... 

Just as i am about to cum he pulls out making me whine and he chuckles... "So needy... Such a little slut taking my dick like a greedy little princess..." He growls before he pulls me up spinning me around and lifting me up onto the table pulling off my pants and spreading my legs as wide as he could before pounding back into me while leaning over me and kissing me hard and rough, but the kiss is also filled with want and passion...  

"Going to fuck that attitude out of you princess..." He growls and i slap his face again... "Shut up!" I growl back and i grin as his eyes go even darker... He picks up the pace and i moan as he hits the sweet spot over and over again... "Are you going to be a good girl princess... Are you going to be a good girl for your captain..." He growls and i moan... "Fuck no..." I moan and he snaps his hips forward making me whimper... 

I squeeze my walls around him as i am about to cum and he doesn't stop this time but just lets out this animalistic growl... "Going to fill this pussy... Make it fucking drip... Claiming it as mine... I am going to ruin you for anyone else..." He says breathing heavy his thrusts getting sloppy and he is losing control leaning over me leaning on his elbows beside me slamming into me a few more times until we come together his cum filling me coating my walls my pussy milking him for everything, he got...

After we both catch our breath, he pulls out and pulls up his pants and i sit up and jump of the table pulling up my pants and straightening out my hair... "Kiara i..." He started to say but i held up my hand shutting him up... "Dont worry... Steve... It never happened..." I say and walk to the window... "Right... Never happened..." Steve mumbled and it almost sounded sad... I ignored it...

"Shit..." I growled looking out the window seeing our target arriving and without paying attention to Steve i grabbed my gun and started to run downstairs... "Kiara we need a plan..." He yelled running after me... "I have a plan! grabbing the son of a bitch and going home so i can take a shower...!" I yelled back slamming the door open and running up to the target taking out a few of his guards knocking them out before pointing my gun at the target who was looking at me in shock a i shot one of the other men who was about to pull the trigger... 

"Get on your knees hands behind your head..." I order him and he grins, but does as he is told and all of a sudden i see the shield flying by knocking down a man i had overlooked who was about to shoot me... "And that is why we need a plan... Fuck you're just as reckless as your father..." He growled and i smirked... I lowered my gun as he cuffed our target and called it in... Steve walked over to me... "Your recklessness is going to get us killed one day..." He spat at me and i just smirked... "You didn't mind my recklessness a minute ago..." I whispered and he got all tense and bright red... I smirked and looked up as i saw shields cars arrive and agents come out to clean up the mess... 

"Nice work Ki... You two did good... Fury will be happy..." Maria said and i smiled... "Thanks... Steve was not totally useless..." I said winking at Steve who turned bright red making me laugh... Maria just shook her head and i smiled as i saw Nat walking up... "Good to see you two haven't killed each other..." She said with a smirk and i laughed... "Yeah we found a way to work together and how to tackle our frustrations..." I said still smirking as Steve was glaring at me... "Now i desperately need a shower i feel dirty... So can you take me back to the compound..." I said and Nat nodded and i followed her to her car leaving Steve behind to handle everything here... 

I was sitting in the kitchen of the compound freshly showered having my first decent meal in 3 days... "Hello pumpkin..." I heard and looked up smiling and grinned at my dad... "Hello father..." I said and he chuckled... "How did it go?" He asks me and i nod... "Good... We got our man..." I mumble and he smiles... "Steve said you just ran out instead of making a plan..." My dad said and i sighed... "Sorry if i had to wait for grandpa Capsicle to come up with a plan the guy would be halfway across the world by now..." I say rolling my eyes and my dad chuckles... "Thats my girl... Dont mind Capsicle his little ego and pride is probably hurt for barely having to do anything..." Dad said and kissed the top of my head and i smirked. 

"Now eat up and get some rest... You must be exhausted hanging out with the old man for 3 days..." He said and i chuckled... I stood up put my dishes in the dishwasher... "Ohw Yeah totally... Thanks dad... Love you..." I said kissing his cheek before making my way to my room... 

I see Bucky and Steve standing in the hallway in a what seems to be a heated discussion... Steve still in his suit as he probably just had gotten back. I wondered what it is about but i choose to ignore it and just walk by them... "Your funeral Steve..." I hear Bucky say in a hushed tone and i wonder what that is about but again i choose to ignore it because all i want is to crawl into my bed and sleep...

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