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Y/N pov

I look in the mirror and freshen myself up real quick taking a deep breath. My friend Joan convinced me to come to this party she was invited to by some random dude. The dude had told her there would be celebrities making it so Joan couldn't resist and well he hadn't lied. The party turned out to be from non-other than Chris Evans. I wanted to disappear from the moment we walked in. I am not really a party girl... big crowds freak me out, but Joan begged me to come with. From the moment we walked through the door she had dumped me for the guy that had invited her. I was used to it by now so i was sitting on the side lines trying my best to become invisible. I was a nobody... nothing special.... 

I just washed my hands when i heard whining. I stood still listening and there it was again. It sounded like an animal in pain. I walked out the bathroom and went towards the sound. This was wrong i shouldn't do this... but when it was an animal in pain i just couldn't let it go... came with the territory i guess of being a vet. 

I worked in this little clinic here in Boston. The vet who owned it was getting too old to do all the work himself, so he hired me. It was my dream job and i loved it... just me and the animals. i didn't have much contact with the owners as i mostly just did all the surgeries and my boss did the consults. It worked... like i said i wasn't really an outgoing person people scared me, maybe that is why i went into veterinary medicine instead of normal medicine. 

I walked down the hallway and the sound got louder. It sounded like a dog scratching on a door whining. I stood in front of the door... listening my hand on the door handle. I shouldnt... but the animal on the other side of the door sounded in pain. I pushed the door open and was met with a room covered in blood a mirror lying on the ground in pieces and a dog covered in blood and cuts. 

I immediately went into vet mode scooping the dog up not caring anymore what the consequences where anymore. People looked at me as i was carrying the dog through the party towards the kitchen where the light was probably the best. Joans eyes grew large as i walked past her. "Get my bag out of my car." I told her. I looked to the dude standing next to her... who had invited her. He looked at me shocked. "Get me the owner of the dog." I told him in my most commanding tone. Joan had run off and the guy ran off to find the owner... but looking at the dog i already knew who he belonged to and i groaned. I arrived at the kitchen and put him on the table telling the few people in the room to leave and to turn on the big light. 

A bright light came on and Joan came running in with my bag putting in on the table. The dog hadn't struggled back... he was weak probably due to blood loss. I wanted to get him to the clinic but i needed permission. All of a sudden, a commotion and he came running in. "What the fuck happened?" He yelled his voice sounded panicked. 

"I heard whining went to check it out and found him in a room with a broken mirror scattered over the floor." I said opening my bag. "What room?"  Chris yelled. I grabbed bandages and started to bandage the dog to get him ready for transport. "How should i know? It looked like a bedroom..."

"What was he doing in a bedroom...?" Chris said sounding desperate. "You're asking me? Look i heard him whine i went to check it out... He was locked in there and the room was covered in blood. I just scooped him up and brought him here... I am now bandaging him up to get him to the clinic i work in..."  I said looking at him annoyed as i kept on bandaging the dog. 

He was just running around at the party... He is never alone in the bedroom...." Chris now whispered in a sad tone looking at his dog. Right then a blond who probably was a model came walking in. "What happened to him?" she said in an annoyed tone. "I told you to not let him run around at the party ... i locked him in the bedroom for this reason." I looked at Chris his face went bright red. "You locked him in the bedroom?!" He yelled at her making her jump out of her skin. " Ye...yes." She stuttered. "He was annoying and..."

Chris Evans one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now