She is the reason.

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I sit at home tucked away not wanting to speak to anyone. I turned off my phone because Chris kept calling but i didn't want to talk to him anymore. Yesterday was the final straw that broke me. 

It all started a year and a half ago. I met Chris through our mutual friend Scarlet. I had just quit my job after my boss had been treating me like shit and i had enough. Chris was looking for a new personal assistant as his old one had quite due to getting married and being pregnant. 

She wanted to be home more as the job acquired to travel with Chris wherever he went. Scarlet knew i was looking for a job and with being a personal secretary in my previous job she made introductions. I signed a contract, and it was all done. Chris was easy to work for and the first few months i mostly kept to myself because in my mind a good assistant was in the background not to be seen or heard only there when needed. 

Chris had other thoughts about that being the nice guy he is he introduced me to everybody. Over the year we grew closer and i couldn't help my feelings and to my surprise he admitted he had feelings for me to. The last 6 months we have been dating. I had said that maybe it was for the best if i wasn't working for him then, but he wouldn't hear of it wanting me close and he liked working with me. We had a good conversation and set some boundaries so the line between work and private would not get blurred. 

Everything was going great until his best friend visited while filming in Atlanta one day. From the moment Chris introduced me her face turned sour. When he was not around, she accused me of being a gold digger telling me i would never be accepted and to not get comfortable. Because when he would find out i was just using him... I would be gone his family and she his best friend would always come first. 

I was shocked especially because as soon as Chris came back in the picture her whole mood changed, and she turned into a saint. She was only there for a few days so i just tried to ignore it but when she started to mock me because of my limp that was barely noticeable anymore only when i was tired i lost it. Calling her out on it, Chris intervened and to my surprise took her side telling me i was rude and it was only a joke.... 

Looking back on it i should have ended things right there but i was in love.  I tried to explain how she had been all week, but he pushed it aside saying she was just a bit overprotective. She went back home, and everything went back to normal. 

But know we were in Boston and were staying here for a while and she had becoming worse and worse as she noticed Chris and i were getting more serious. Every chance she got she tormented me. I talked to Scarlet about it telling her that whenever i brought it up to Chris, he would ignore it... Telling me to stop... She was just a friend. Tara had told everyone i was jealous of her and Chris's friendship and tried to break it. Due to Tara bad mouthing me the first time i met his family they were cold to me ignoring me basically. The only one treating me normal was his mother, Lisa. She would always stick up for me. 

Scarlet told me this was a well-known problem among his exes and female costars but when it came to Tara Chris had a blind spot. Scarlet had advised me to have my phone on me at all times so i could tape the way Tara treated me when i was alone with her. I had been doing this for 2 months and even though i wasn't planning on using it... For now... Not wanting to ruin their friendship even though she treated me like shit... She was Chris's friend since childhood, and she was important to him... But i didn't know how long i was able to take it any more doubting my relationship with Chris more and more.

So now to the reason i was sitting crying on my couch not wanting to talk to anyone. There was a story leaked to the press about me and Chris and it didn't paint me in the best picture.  I knew it was done by Tara because everything Tara ever called me or accused me of was word for word in the article. But when i brought it up to Chris he snapped calling me a liar that i had it out for Tara from the first time we met... and she has been nothing but nice to me. 

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