And the winner is... (2)

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The next week had flown by in a flash... Chris had hired a lawyer and a private investigator to get to the bottom of it all. He had sent HER home to Boston staying behind in LA telling her he got an opportunity for a movie role... And since she had to get back to work, she didn't question it. 

He hadn't been back to his own place other to bring her to the airport... Keeping up appearances to not make her suspicious... Telling her he had stayed at Scarlet for the first night, he stayed at my place. Scarlet had agreed to back him up in this, may she ask about it. 

He had been here all week adamant to not miss anything anymore from the pregnancy. I still wasn't really sure about everything feeling confused every now and then. Not about the fact that he really didn't know that became abundantly clear this week. But more about my feelings i was conflicted, on the one hand i wanted him around or the baby wanted him around every time he put his hand on my belly, she would calm down. 

He read to her at night so i could sleep better.  Nothing happened more than cuddling even though my body craved him feeling horny all the time, but my head wasn't in it. The fact that he just believed HER over me pushing me aside just like that... it still hurt and i was scared. Scared of letting him in... And having someone else lie about something and to then repeating the whole cycle again... I nearly broke me the first time and i knew a second time i could not handle. 

Chris was using my office for a meeting with the lawyer and the private investigator after they called saying they had news already. He had asked me if i wanted to be there for the meeting but i was tired and told him i was going to take a nap. I just didn't have the energy for it... I was sound asleep when i woke up to Chris sitting beside me stroking hair out of my face, his eyes where red and puffy and he just looked a mess. 

I sat up and looked at him. "What was the news?" I asked him. He shook his head and i looked at the papers in his hand covered by some plastic like it was evidence. "She did it... She really did it..." He whispered... "She forged my signature... her fingerprints are all over the papers and handwriting analyses showed it was her handwriting... They send out DNA found on the envelope and stamp just to be sure and to have extra proof... But she really did it... They uhm proofed without a doubt that you were with Scarlet in the spa and i ... i can't say how sorry i am Y/N." He said and i nodded looking at my fingers not knowing what to say. It was silent for a minute. "What is going to happen now..." I whispered. 

"I dont know..." He whispered... "My lawyer and the investigator say there is more of enough proof to go to the police to report her for fraud... it's just... i dont know what to do... I wanted to talk to you about it because it will affect you to... If i report this and it comes out in the media... I just want to give you the easy-going pregnancy you deserve without this becoming a media spectacle...." He said with a sad look. 

I took a deep breath... I put my finger under his chin making him look at me. "Chris without thinking about all of that what do you want...?" I asked. He looked at me and his eyes changed into a dark color like a storm was brewing. "I want to make her pay... I know her since we were 6 and for her to betray me and manipulate me like that... I just want her to pay i want to ruin her life like she ruined mine... She was supposed to be my friend... She was supposed to be the one to have my back. I am just so angry... not only with her... but also with myself for just blindly believing her for not believing you... For ruining everything between us..." He said getting angrier by the second. 

I just let him talk let him get it all out, i understood in our line of work the people you can trust you can count on one hand. In this business everyone wants something from you. I have had this with my mother who saw me as a walking ATM and flipping out when she saw that being brought into jeopardy.  So, i understood that if that person that you trust the most turns out to be manipulative and destructive... well it hurts. 

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