Did you lose something... (2)

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A few months later i am sitting on my bed watching the stick in front of me anxiously as the 3 minutes seem to pass by more slowly than ever. Chris and i were spending a lot of time together. 

He made it official after date 3 asking me in a really sweet dorky way to be his girlfriend which i happily agreed to. He had introduced me to his mother and sisters and i really liked them all. He had such a sweet and close nit family there was no denying that they all really loved each other. I had introduced Chris to my parent who really liked him my mother completely reeled in by his charms. Everything was going fast but we had discussed it and agreed as long as we were happy who cared what the world was thinking.

But now i was sitting on my bed waiting for the test to tell me what i already deep down knew... i am pregnant. God how could i be so stupid... The night of the party we were so caught up in each other that we both forgot protection and even though i am on the pill i started to feel sick a few days ago and when i missed my period and things sunk in really quick. 

The alarm on my phone went off and as I turned the stick it became real as I read the word pregnant.

Panic started to kick in, God how was I gonna tell Chris.... What would he think... Oh God what if he thought I baby trapped him. What if he didn't want this... I can't do this alone. I stayed crying and crawled into bed ignoring my phone that started ringing.

The next morning, I got woken up and ran to the bathroom throwing up. When i was done i sighed. "I need to see a doctor..." I murmur to myself so i pulled out my phone and made an appointment for later in the day. I checked my phone and had 8 missed calls from Chris and a few messages but for now i chose to ignore them. At least until i had gone to the doctor and because i wasn't ready to tell him... Afraid for what he was going to say. I know we were only dating for about 2 months but in that time i had fallen head over heels and the thought of losing him hurt. 

While i was getting ready for my appointment my phone rang a few more times, i put it on silent and just got dressed. I grabbed my keys and purse and got in my car. I sighed as i arrived at the clinic. 

I was sitting in the waiting room my leg bouncing up and down as i was nervous. "Y/n Y/l/n...?" A voice said calling out for me. I looked up and followed the doctor into her office. I explained why i was here and she smiled at me suggesting another test to be sure. 

She did the test and that was when it really became official... I was pregnant for sure. We talked for a bit before she suggested to do an ultrasound. "Is it okay to wait?" I whisper looking at my fingers. "Can i ask why?" She said surprised. 

"Well i haven't told the father yet ... I dont know how he will react but if he is happy about it i dont want to take away this moment from him..." I whispered blushing. She smiled at me but with a hint of concern. "Do you think he will not be happy?" She asked. I shrug my shoulders. "We have only been dating for 2 months..." I whisper and take a deep breath... 

"It was not planned... I am on the pill... and i know it was stupid to not use protection... but you know heat of the moment..." She nods... "Just dont wait too long to get an ultrasound..." She said giving me a reassuring smile. "And call if you need anything... we are here 24/7." She says smiling. I nod and get up shaking her hand. 

I walk to my car and get in. I sigh and lay my head on the wheel. God what am i going to do... i know i have to tell him but i am so scared. Scared of his reaction...scared of maybe having to do this alone... I start the car and drive home. 

I pull into my driveway, my heart sinks as i see someone sitting on my porch. "Chris..." I whisper as i park the car. I get out and Chris stands up. I hesitate for a moment contemplating to just turn around get in my car and to just drive off. 

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