Right person wrong time... 3

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It has been 2 years... 2 years without Y/N... I had begged her best friend to tell me where she was. But she wouldn't budge and 3 months after i had seen Y/N for the last time her friend disappeared to. Now there was no link to Y/N anymore whatsoever... It hurt... It hurt so bad that I went off the deep end for a bit, before Scott finally pulled me out. I focused on work but i didn't want to date... I was not ready all i could think about was Y/N... People tried to set my up but i turned everything down. I knew i worried my family... Especially my mother who didn't understand... until i told her... 

I told her everything... I told her about meeting Y/N after Kim and i broke up and i told her about how it ended when Kim came back pregnant... I told her about giving up the love of my live for Kim and the baby... only to have it be a lie... I told her how much i loved Y/N how much it hurt saying goodbye. I told her that yes, we were in the wrong for doing what we did and basically starting an affair while i was getting married... But i told her it was over that Y/N didn't want to do it anymore and even though it had pained us so much we had said goodbye and i had every intention on being a good husband and father... I told her about how she had erased me out of her life so i could be the best father i could be to that baby when we thought it was still mine... 

Mom just held me letting me cry out... and since than she understood i needed time... What she didn't know was that i still was holding out hope to one day have her back in my life again...

Every day i would think about her. What would she be doing... Where would she be? Was she happy? Had she moved on? Was she in love? Did she think about me... Or had she already forgotten all about me... Part of me hoped so because i wanted her to be happy but part of me was selfish and hoped she thought about me as much as i thought about her. 

People kept saying it would fade... That i would get over it... But it has been over 2 years and again there was not a single day she popped up in my mind. 

"Are you ready to go?" Scott asks and i nodded. Scott and i were going to Hawaii for a little vacation. I had been working nonstop... Just to keep myself busy but Scott begged me to go on vacation together. I finally gave in... And we booked a trip to Hawaii.  Scott had picked the place... I rather had gone camping somewhere but Scott wanted to visit Hawaii so i agreed as long as he didn't make me go surfing. 

We boarded the plane and sat down in our seats. Scott kept going on and on about the things he wanted to do... Snorkeling... Visit pearl harbor... Helicopter tours... Boot tours... Diving with sharks, dolphins or other animals... He wanted to go whale watching. Go to a luau and many more things. "You know we will only be there for 2 weeks right..." I said chuckling and he grinned at me. "Is there anything you want to do..." Scott asked and I shrugged my shoulders. "Maybe go hiking or something like that... But i am fine with whatever... But like i said i draw the line at surfing." I said and Scott laughed. 

It was nice seeing Scott all excited and it was kind of contagious... We picked a few things we wanted to do the only thing i absolutely said no to was surfing lessons Scott had his eyes on. But we didn't have to do everything together we could have time to do things for ourselves... He could go for surfing lessons while i just relaxed... 

When we finally arrived at our hotel we got checked in and made our way to our suite looking out over the ocean. I had to admit it is beautiful here... The first day we would just hang out in our suite drinking beers on the balcony looking out over the ocean just catching up and having a laugh... It had been too long that we had hung out together just the two of us. I cut him off when he started talking about me dating. I didn't want to talk about it. I still was not ready... He noticed but didn't press it. 

The next day we went to pearl harbor and after that we went into town... We walked around enjoying the atmosphere. We had some late lunch and Scott wanted to buy some Hawaii shirts. I chuckled as he was trying on one after the other. "Just pick one Scott..." I said rolling my eyes but with a smile on my face... "They are all equally awful..." I said and he gasped. 

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