I shouldn't...should i?

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I can hear her giggle from across the busy room... God she was beautiful... She is perfect... Her figure, her eyes, her smile everything about her pulled me in... But God she was young...and a virgin...23 years old...and a virgin... She was waiting for the right guy to come along, making it even more exciting and difficult to resist. 

God i wanted her... I wanted her underneath me moaning my name as i took her virginity but i shouldn't...should i?  She is willing... She wants me just as much as i want her... How do i know all of this? We have been working together for the past 5 months doing a movie together hanging out after filming and one night while we were both drunk, she confessed it.  We made out but i stopped it... Not wanting her to regret it in the morning but God i wanted her. The fact that no man has ever been inside of her made me hard just thinking about it. 

She looks up and our eyes meet, she blushes and gives me a little smile. Fuck it, i think and walk over to her and the guy she is talking to at the bar. I need to stake my claim... So, i take her hand and pull her into a hug the guy eyeing me up and down. I smirk at him as to say whatever... She is mine. "Chris this is...." She looks at the guy and i can't help but chuckle as she doesn't even remember his name. 

"Dave..." He says holding out his hand but i just look at it. "Well Dave... Do you mind if i steal Y/n away for a bit..." I say looking at Y/N. She looks up at me and smiles... that gorgeous innocent smile. "Bye Dave... It was nice to meet you..." She says smiling politely at him. He mumbles something before i pull her away. 

I pull her towards the other side of the bar and i sit down pulling her between my legs making her blush... All i can think about is if her ass would turn the same shade if i would spank her. "What are you drinking?" I whisper in her ear as i pull her closer so she can hear me without me having to yell. Her hands resting on my chest sending jolts of electricity through my body. 

"Virgin Cuba libre..." She whispers back in my ear and i can feel she is smirking. Oh, for fuck's sake... i think to myself. She is now just messing with me... She might be a virgin but not in flirting. 

"So... a coke..." I whisper back as i rest my hands on her hips. She nods that little blush appearing back on her face. "Why a virgin?" I ask her and i can't help but grin. "Want to be in a right state of mind... In case i have to make big decisions later..." She whispers in my ear. I groan... and let my hands glide down to her ass squeezing it softly. She lets out a little sigh as her lips attach to my skin just below my ear. 

"God sweetheart... You have no idea what you do to me..." I whisper in her ear and i can feel her smirk in my neck. Fuck i need to get her out of here otherwise i am going to fuck her right here on the bar. I cup her face and she leans into my touch. I hover my lips over hers and she gasps a little. 

"Wanna get out of here?" I whisper. She moans and nods her head. "I need words sweetheart..." I whisper. "Yes..." She says softly and i stand up grab her hand as i lead her out of the bar. We arrive at the place i have rented for the time i am in town. 

I open the door and step aside to let her in and as soon as i close the door i kiss her... God those lips they feel even better than the last time... She lets out a little moan and i take advantage of it and slip in my tongue while i push us towards the bedroom. I pause a moment looking her in her eyes. "You dont have to do anything you dont want..." I whisper leaning my forehead against hers. "I know...I trust you..." She whispers all sweet and innocent... I groan. Fuck here i am 41 years old and i am going to be the cliche and fuck a virgin but God i want her. 

She kisses me... Her hands gliding under my shirt pulling it up and over my head making me grin. She plants a kiss on my chest, and she smirks as i let out a low growl. I lift her shirt over her head and groan at her perky perfect boobs as she is not wearing a bra. I cup them in my hands and the fit perfectly. 

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