A mistake...

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Willow pov...

I am lying in bed... I have been here for a week now... I dont feel like getting out. I dont feel like seeing people... I just want to lay in bed and ignore the world.  I had shut my phone off... It is everywhere... But even if it had not been in the news, i had seen it with my own eyes... I just sat there with a smile on my face... I still dont know how i managed it... But i did... I told him i was happy for him. I told them both i was happy for them. 

They were married now... He was married and i just sat there and watch them say i do... I am happy for him... I really am... We have been friends for years... I love him... But i have always been too scared. Too scared to ask for more. There were drunken kisses and a passionate night or two... But we both agreed that we were friends and didn't want to lose that... 

But now i was here lying in my bed and it hurt... It hurts so much... I feel like i have lost him forever. I sigh and look around me i just feel hopeless and empty... I close my eyes and drift off to sleep... 

After 2 more days in bed i finally drag myself into the shower... It is time to get back to normal life. I can't miss anymore work and maybe getting back to work will be a good thing... A bit of a distraction... 

My shower is hot and long as if i try to wash all the sorrow away. An hour later i am on my way to the clinic. I walk in and greet the assistants and go over the schedule with them. I put a smile on my face as i dont want people to ask what is going on... I dont want to talk about it. I just want to forget... I just want to move on... I have a busy schedule and i smile as i see that my regulars are stopping by with their puppies. 

At least that will be a nice distraction... The day goes on and after lunch it is puppy time... 6 of the most adorable labradoodle puppies. I take a little more time cuddling with them, talking with their owners. "There are still some available..." The owner tells me and i look at her smirking... I had lost my own dog 2 months ago... They know this... It had been hard... I had my dog for 14 years... My best bud... My everything... 

 "Which ones?" I ask and the owner's face lights up... They point them out and i sigh... They are so adorable... Maybe another dog is what i need... "Okay... I was thinking about getting a dog again anyway and they are so adorable..." I say smiling and the kids cheer as this means they will see the pup every now and then as i always bring my dog to the clinic with me. 

So, here i stand with a pup in my arms after they had left. They were old enough to leave mom and were just here for their last checkup. On my way back home at the end of the day we quickly go and pick up some supplies for the little bugger... I named him Waldo as i had to look for him a few times... He loves to explore and hide underneath thing...

This is how a few weeks, go by... Work... Home, walks and cuddles with Waldo... He is is an amazing pupper and just what i needed... Chris has been calling and texting. But i have ignored it as much as i can... I just kept texting him that i was busy... I dont know why he keeps texting me. He should be worrying about his wife... Every invite to hang out i turn down saying i have to work or already have plans. It is a lie... Me and Waldo are just hanging out, my ownly social interaction with other people is at work. 

After a few weeks of being busy with work i finally have 2 days off... I had gone to the store and bought some snack after my walk with Waldo i ordered a pizza and installed myself on the couch to watch a movie... 

I had just started the movie when my doorbell rings... I look at Waldo who looks at me tilting his head... I chuckle as it is the most adorable thing ever... "That is the pizza bud..." I say and he barks at me in that little puppy bark... I chuckle and grab my wallet before walking to the door... 

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