In control

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I was staring at the event planner as she ordered people around. I was at some big Hollywood party... I didn't really want to be here, but my manager told me it was good to network and get noticed... Not that i really needed it anymore these days... But then again in my line of work you can never slack, or people will forget about you. So here i was... Sitting at the bar sipping on my drink... Watching the most beautiful woman i had ever seen order people around... and God it did things to me. She wasn't cruel or a bully she just had this natural dominant aura over her which i guess you needed in her line of work. 

I was mesmerized and to be honest a little turned on... The thought of her ordering me around in the bedroom taking what she wanted from me was going through my mind. It even surprised myself... Never ever had the thought of a woman i control turned me on so much. Normally i was the one in control, especially if it was just some hook up. I watched her sit down at the bar and order a drink and i had to take a shot. If she would shoot me down fine... But at least i wouldn't beat myself up with a what if. 

I walked over to her and sat down next to her on the empty bar stool. "You seem to have everything under control..." I said smiling at her. She looked at me and rolled her eyes and it made me smile. "Well, that is what i am paid for..." She said letting out a sigh. "Still... It is impressive..." I said giving her my most charming smile. She turned to me. "And why is that?" She said all feisty... "Because i am a woman??" She said looking at me.

I looked at her shocked. "No... no that is not what i meant..." I said stuttering cursing myself on the inside as i thought i already had blown it. She smirked and started laughing... "Dont worry Evans... I am just messing with you." I looked at her in shock again as she started laughing harder. 

I smirked and i was sure my face was red. She wiped away the tears that were rolling down her cheeks due to the laughing. "So... Do you want to tell me why you have been staring at me all night..." She asked looking at me with eyes that could make even the toughest men drop to their knees.  I blushed, this woman didn't play around and God i loved it... It was different. 

"Can you blame me... Your beautiful and the way you in control is incredibly hot..." I said smirking at her as i waited for her reaction seeing if it would throw her off.  She smirked back at me not even batting an eye totally unfazed... She stood up and stepped between my legs. She leaned in her lips hovering over my ear. 

"You like that Mr. Evans..." She whispered in a seductive tone. "You like a woman bossing you around...." She whispered again and it send shivers through my body. "When you do it... Yess..." I whispered back swallowing back the lump in my throat. She moved her lips now hovering over mine. "Are you a good boy Mr. Evans..." She whispered. 

I groaned as i could feel my dick twitch in my pants... Her hands were resting on my thighs sending shivers through my body. "Yess..." I said letting out a small moan before taking in a deep breath. She smirked and pulled back she patted my cheek grinned and walked away leaving me utterly baffled behind. 

The rest of the party we would lock eyes every now and then and God i wanted her... She could make me do anything. Her eyes spoke to me, and she could bring me down to my knees. Every now and then she came to the bar to instruct the bartender something or other. The evening came to a close when she sat down next to me on a bar stool. She looked at me and smiled... The most beautiful smile. She leaned in... "Be a good boy... and order me a scotch..." She whispered in my ear her hand resting on my thigh making its way up. I nodded and turned around her hand creeping up higher but not high enough for my liking making me sigh. I ordered her a drink handing it to her when the bartender put it down. 

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